Other Profiler Windows

Around the central Profiler Window, which comprises the Signals Tree and the Timeline windows, other dock windows can be displayed. Whether they show up or not can be monitored by the user through the View Menu.

This menu displays the name of all those optional windows, along with a button that can be checked or not by the user, depending on whether he/she wants this window to show up or not.

  • Source code

  • Hotspots (by time)

  • Hotspots by functions

  • Hotspots by file

  • Hotspots by line

Additionally, each of those dock windows is independent and can be:

  • Moved in some location around the central Profiler Window by left clicking on the window bar and moving the mouse

  • Moved outside the profiler window by left clicking on the window bar and moving the mouse

  • Expanded by left clicking on its edges

  • Closed by clicking on the “cross button “ on its upper right corner

  • Tabbed together as it is by defauld


Fig 13: Dock Windows Placement within the profiler window


Fig 14: Source code Dock Window independent placement above the Profiler window