
Profiler is a part of GWT GAP SDK and it is used with GVSoC, GWT full SoC simulator. Profiler gives a visual view of what is happening inside the chip and allows to control the simulator through a graphic interface. Profiler is an extremely useful tool for developing and debugging applications on GAP processors.

Profiler allows you to do many things, from simple GAP core signals display, to fine stall signal analysis, to applications optimization. Following is a list of the most main features:

  • GAP signals display: It displays the internal signals of the GAP processor issued from the GVSoC simulation;

  • GAP cores traces fine analysis: It allows to view which function is executed at a given timestamp on any core of GAP chip and on the fabric controller;

  • Stall signals analysis: It allows you to view all the stall signals of the GAP cores and fabric controller;

  • Hotspots Analysis: It allows to see Hotspots information such as Hotspot function, Hotspot line number, calls number, total execution time, source code in different dock windows;

  • Display monitoring: It allows to select signals by groups, zooming (button, mouse wheel, double click), time intervals measurement, dock windows management.