Getting Started

Follow this guide to:

  • Install the profiler and its dependencies

  • Run an application

Install dependencies

You’ll need to install some dependencies

How to build and run

  1. Setup

On a new terminal, source and build the SDK with the option WITH_GUI_TOOLS=1. Please check the Getting Started section if any question how to do so.

  1. Running an application

To run an application with the profiler, you have to run it on GVSoC. Please put CONFIG_PLATFORM_GVSOC=y in your sdk.config file or use the menuconfig target to select it.

cd ${GAP_SDK_HOME}/path/to/your/application
cmake -B build
cmake --build build -t profiler


To speed-up profiler process, you might want to disable FSBL & SSBL. You can do that by putting CONFIG_BOOT_NO_FSBL_SSBL=y in your sdk.config file.

A similar window to the one on the image below should appear. If not, please make sure you followed all the previous steps with the required flags.

Profiler's window

You can now follow the Running the Profiler guide to know how to use the profiler window.