The Lines Hotspots Window

The “Line Hotspots” table lists the source code lines where the application spends the most time. All timing data refers to the time range selected by the user. This time range can be: - the full simulation range if a “Zoom Fit” has been executed before - the Timeline range if different zooming in/out or scrolling operations have been performed before - the selected time interval if a specific time range has been selected by the user. For seeing all hotspots, the user must display the full simulation interval by clicking on the “Zoom Fit” button.

The hotspot information is displayed in different columns:

  • Time %: the percentage of time that has been spent on this particular line within the time range selected.

  • Total time: the total time that thas been spent on this particular line within the time range selected.

  • Calls: the number of times this line has been executed during the time range selected

  • Function name: the name of the function in which the hotspot occurs

  • From File: the name of the file where the hotspot occurs

  • On Line: the line number of the hotspot

Fig 19 shows the Line Hotspots window.


Fig 19: Hotspots Window

The Line Hotspots can be sorted by increasing or decreasing time % or total time by respectively right clicking in the “Time%” ot “Total Time” column headers. They can also alphabetically sorted by function or file name by respectively right clicking in the “Function Name” or “File Name” columns headers.