Below is a non-exhaustive list of academic research that has been carried out on GAP8 and GAP9 concentrating mostly on papers that are looking at various neural network topics running on GAP processors. Some of the research uses our toolchain and some uses alternative academic toolchains. If you think your paper should be listed here please contact us.

Accelerating Image-based Pest Detection on a Heterogeneous Multi-core Microcontroller

Luca Bompani, Luca Crupi, Daniele Palossi, Olmo Baldoni, Davide Brunelli, Francesco Conti, Manuele Rusci, Luca Benini

August 2024

University of Bologna, USI-SUPSI, ETH Zurich, University of Trento, KU Leuven

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sEMG-driven Hand Dynamics Estimation with Incremental Online Learning on a Parallel Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller

Marcello Zanghieri, Pierangelo Maria Rapa, Mattia Orlandi, Elisa Donati, Simone Benatti, Luca Benini

June 2024

University of Bologna, ETH Zurich

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BrainFuseNet: Enhancing Wearable Seizure Detection through EEG-PPG-accelerometer Sensor Fusion and Efficient Edge Deployment

Thorir Mar Ingolfsson, Xiaying Wang, Simone Benatti, Adriano Bernini, Pauline Ducouret, Philippe Ryvlin, Sandor Beniczky, Luca Benini, Andrea Cossettini
30 Apr 2024

University of Bologna, ETH Zurich

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Multi-resolution Rescored ByteTrack for Video Object Detection on Ultra-low-power Embedded Systems

Luca Bompani, Manuele Rusci, Daniele Palossi, Francesco Conti, Luca Benini
17 Apr 2024

University of Bologna, KU Leuven, USI-SUPSI, ETH Zurich

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12 mJ per Class On-Device Online Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning

By Yoga Esa Wibowo, Cristian Cioflan, Thorir Mar Ingolfsson, Michael Hersche, Leo Zhao, Abbas Rahimi, Luca Benini
12 Mar 2024

D-ITET, ETH Zurich, IBM Research-Zurich

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It is okay to be uncommon”: Quantizing Sound Event Detection Networks on Hardware Accelerators with Uncommon Sub-Byte Support

By Yushu Wu, Xiao Quan, Mohammad Rasool Izadi, Chuan-Che Huang
5 Apr 2024

Bose Corporation USA, Northeastern University USA

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Optimizing the Deployment of Tiny Transformers on Low-Power MCUs

By Victor J.B. Jung, Alessio Burrello, Moritz Scherer, Francesco Conti, Luca Benini
3 Apr 2024

University of Bologna, ETH Zurich

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On-device Self-supervised Learning of Visual Perception Tasks aboard Hardware-limited Nano-quadrotors

By Elia Cereda, Manuele Rusci, Alessandro Giusti, Daniele Palossi
6 Mar 2024

USI-SUPSI, KU Leuven, University of Bologna

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A Noisy Beat is Worth 16 Words: a Tiny Transformer for Low-Power Arrhythmia Classification on Microcontrollers

By Paola Busia, Matteo Antonio Scrugli, Victor Jean-Baptiste Jung, Luca Benini, Paolo Meloni
16 Feb 2024

University of Cagliari, University of Bologna

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Stargate: Multimodal Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Navigation on Miniaturized UAVs

Konstantin Kalenberg, Hanna Müller, Tommaso Polonelli, Alberto Schiaffino, Vlad Niculescu, Philippe Ryvlin, Cristian Cioflan, Michele Magno, Luca Benini
06 Feb 2024

University of Bologna, ETH Zurich

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Minimizing artifact-induced false-alarms for seizure detection in wearable EEG devices with gradient-boosted tree classifiers

Thorir Mar Ingolfsson, Simone Benatti, Xiaying Wang, Adriano Bernini, Pauline Ducouret, Philippe Ryvlin, Sandor Beniczky, Luca Benini & Andrea Cossettini
05 Feb 2024

University of Bologna, ETH Zurich, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Lausanne University Hospital, Danish Epilepsy Centre, Aarhus University Hospital

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Reducing False Alarms in Wearable Seizure Detection with EEGformer: A Compact Transformer Model for MCUs

By Paola Busia, Andrea Cossettini, Thorir M Ingolfsson, Simone Benatti, Alessio Burrello, Victor J B Jung, Moritz Scherer, Matteo A Scrugli, Adriano Bernini, Pauline Ducouret, Philippe Ryvlin, Paolo Meloni, Luca Benini
23 Jan 2024

University of Cagliari, University of Bologna,

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NanoSLAM: Enabling Fully Onboard SLAM for Tiny Robots

Vlad Niculescu, Tommaso Polonelli, Michele Magno, Luca Benini
05 Dec 2023

University of Bologna, ETH Zurich

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A Muscle Pennation Angle Estimation Framework From Raw Ultrasound Data for Wearable Biomedical Instrumentation

By Sergei Vostrikov, Thorir Mar Ingolfsson, Soley Hafthorsdottir, Christoph Leitner, and others
28 Nov 2023

ETH Zurich

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Ultra-Efficient On-Device Object Detection on AI-Integrated Smart Glasses with TinyissimoYOLO

By Julian Moosmann, Pietro Bonazzi, Yawei Li, Sizhen Bian, Philipp Mayer, Luca Benini, Michele Magno
2 Nov 2023

ETH Zurich, University of Bologna

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