

GAPses: Versatile smart glasses for comfortable and fully-dry acquisition and parallel ultra-low-power processing of EEG and EOG

GAPses: Versatile smart glasses for comfortable and fully-dry acquisition and parallel ultra-low-power processing of EEG and EOG Sebastian Frey, Mattia Alberto Lucchini, Victor Kartsch, Thorir Mar Ingolfsson, Andrea Helga Bernardi, Michael Segessenmann, Jakub [...]

By |November 5th, 2024|Categories: Application, Biometric wearables, On-Device Learning, Smart glasses, TinyML, Vision|Tags: |

Accelerating Image-based Pest Detection on a Heterogeneous Multi-core Microcontroller

Accelerating Image-based Pest Detection on a Heterogeneous Multi-core Microcontroller Luca Bompani, Luca Crupi, Daniele Palossi, Olmo Baldoni, Davide Brunelli, Francesco Conti, Manuele Rusci, Luca Benini August 2024 University of Bologna, USI-SUPSI, ETH Zurich, [...]

By |September 2nd, 2024|Categories: Agriculture, Application, On-Device Learning, TinyML, Vision|Tags: |

sEMG-driven Hand Dynamics Estimation with Incremental Online Learning on a Parallel Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller

sEMG-driven Hand Dynamics Estimation with Incremental Online Learning on a Parallel Ultra-Low-Power Microcontroller Marcello Zanghieri, Pierangelo Maria Rapa, Mattia Orlandi, Elisa Donati, Simone Benatti, Luca Benini June 2024 University of Bologna, ETH Zurich [...]

By |June 26th, 2024|Categories: Application, Hardware, Healthcare, On-Device Learning|Tags: |


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