System Traces


The virtual platform allows dumping architecture events to help developers debug their applications by providing detailed insights into system activities.

For example, it can show instructions being executed, DMA transfers, events generated, memory accesses, and more.

This feature can be enabled and configured using the –trace option. This option takes an argument specifying a regular expression for the path in the architecture where traces must be enabled and, optionally, a file where the traces should be dumped. All components whose path matches the specified expression will dump traces. Several paths can be specified by using the option multiple times. Here is an example that activates instruction traces for core 0 and core 1:

gvsoc --target=gap.gap9.evk --binary=test run --trace=pe0/insn --trace=pe1/insn

The trace file should look like this:

720264540: 103619: [/chip/cluster/pe1/insn] itc_status_set_set:65 M 1c0114da c.sw a4, 16(a5) a4:00000001 a5:1a109000 PA:1a109010
720264540: 103619: [/chip/cluster/pe0/insn] pi_cluster_event_notify:302 M 1c0114d0 c.sw a4, 4(a0) a4:1c0016ac a0:1c001690 PA:1c001694

Each event is usually represented by one line, though some events may take multiple lines to display more information.

The number on the left is the event’s timestamp in picoseconds, followed by the number of cycles. Different blocks, like clusters, can have different frequencies. The timestamp is absolute and increases linearly, while the cycle count is local to the frequency domain.

The second part, a string, indicates the path in the architecture where the event occurred, helping differentiate blocks of the same kind generating the same event. This path can also be used with the –trace option to filter the events.

The third part, also a string, contains the event-specific information. For instance, the core simulator prints information about the executed instruction.

Trace Paths

Finding the correct paths to activate for necessary information can be challenging. One method is to dump all events using –trace=.*, identify the interesting ones, and then refine the command line with a more restrictive regular expression. Here are the paths for the main components on Gap9 (note that this can vary between chips):




Processing element; useful to see the IOs made by the core and the instructions it executes. Use /iss to get only instruction events.


Hardware synchronizer events; useful for debugging inter-core synchronization mechanisms.


Shared program cache accesses.


L1 memory banks (replace X with the bank number).


L2 memory accesses.


DMA events.

Initially, core instruction traces are the most interesting, as they show not only the executed instructions but also the accessed registers, their content, and memory accesses, making them very useful for debugging issues like memory corruption.

Trace Levels

Each trace is dumped with a certain level, allowing users to specify the amount of trace information to be dumped based on their level using the –trace-level option. The available levels are error, warning, info, debug, and trace.

The default level is debug, which corresponds to user-level debug information.

Instruction Traces

Here is an example of an instruction trace:

720264540: 103619: [/chip/cluster/pe1/insn] itc_status_set_set:65 M 1c0114da c.sw a4, 16(a5) a4:00000001 a5:1a109000 PA:1a109010

The event information for executed instructions follows this format:

<function> <priv> <address> <instruction> <operands> <operands info>


  • <function> is the function name where the PC belongs, extracted from the debug information. If debug information is not enabled, this field is empty.

  • <priv> is the privilege level.

  • <address> is the address of the instruction.

  • <instruction> is the instruction label.

  • <operands> is the decoded operands.

  • <operands info> gives details about operand values and their usage.

Operand information follows this convention:

  • When a register is accessed, its name is displayed, followed by = if it is written or : if it is read. If both read and written, the register appears twice, followed by its value (the new one if written).

  • For memory access, PA: is displayed, followed by the access address.

  • Statements follow the order of the decoded instruction.

Memory accesses displayed are particularly useful for tracking memory corruptions, as they help identify specific location accesses.

Dumping Traces to a File

By default, all traces are dumped to standard output, but you can specify a file where the traces should be dumped. The file must be specified for each –trace option. You can use the same file to gather all traces or different files for separate traces.

Example to dump all possible traces into one file:

gvsoc --target=gap.gap9.evk run --trace=.*:log.txt

Example to dump instruction traces to one file and L2 memory accesses to another file:

gvsoc --target=gap.gap9.evk run --trace=insn:insn.txt --trace=l2:l2.txt