
Gapy provides a set of commands to control the target.

Multiple commands can be provided on the same command line. They are executed sequentially, from left to right.

The special command commands can be used to get the list of available commands. Since the list can vary depending on the target and the specific options, it is good to execute it with the full command-line, particularly with the target specified:

gvsoc --target=rv64 commands

Here is a non-exhaustive list of common commands, which can be found on most targets, even though targets can remove commands if they don’t make sense for that target or add commands:




Show the list of available commands


Show the list of available targets. Gapy will search within the specified target directories for valid targets


Generate the target images needed to run execution


Upload the flash contents to the target


Dump the layout of the flashes


Dump each section of each flash memory


Dump each section of each flash memory


Dump the value of all flash section properties


Dump the value of all target properties


Start execution on the target


This shows the list of available commands, which should be similar to the table above.

Since targets or options can remove commands that do not make sense for the target or add dedicated commands, the list of commands may be slightly different from this list. It is also good to execute this command with the right target and the full list of options:

gvsoc --target=gap.gap9.evk --target-property=boot.mode=flash commands

In this example, the target property is included in case it changes the list of commands.


This shows the list of available targets and a short description.

Since the available targets are discovered from the target directories, it is important to specify them when using this command with Gapy, but it is not necessary with the gvsoc command:

gapy --target-dir=$GAP_SDK_HOME/gvsoc/gvsoc_gap targets

gvsoc targets


This command is needed only for targets where files like the application binary should be embedded inside an image. This is usually the case for targets having a flash.

This will build an image containing all the files specified to be put inside the image.

This image can then be used by other commands to be uploaded to the target.

The files to be put inside the image are specified through dedicated options which are explained later.


This command uploads the flash image built with the image command into the target.

Since there is no physical target on GVSOC , this actually produces a file that the model can read in order to initialize the flash when the simulation is started.

The format of the file is specific to each model.

flash Layout

This command dumps the content of all the flash.

This will show all what is put inside the flash image and is useful for checking what might be wrong with a flash image.

The option –flash-layout-level=<integer> can be added to specify the depth of the tree which is dumped.

A value of 0 will dump only the name of each flash section:

Layout for flash: mram
  | Section offset | Section name    | Section size |
  | 0x0            | rom             | 0x83a0       |
  | 0x83a0         | partition_table | 0xc0         |
  | 0x8460         | app_binary      | 0x0          |
  | 0x8460         | readfs          | 0x10         |
  | 0x8470         | hostfs          | 0x0          |
  | 0xa000         | lfs             | 0x0          |
  | 0xa000         | raw             | 0x1f6000     |

Higher values will dump more information about each section’s content:

Layout for flash: mram
  | Section offset | Section name    | Section size | Section content                                                                                    |
  | 0x0            | rom             | 0x83a0       | +--------+--------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ |
  |                |                 |              | | Offset | Size   | Name                  | Content                                              | |
  |                |                 |              | +--------+--------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------+ |
  |                |                 |              | | 0x0    | 0x534  | ROM header            | +--------+--------------------+-------+------------+ | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | Offset | Name               | Size  | Value      | | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | +--------+--------------------+-------+------------+ | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x0    | next_section       | 0x4   | 0x83a0     | | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x4    | nb_segments        | 0x4   | 0x4        | | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x8    | entry              | 0x4   | 0x1c010294 | | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0xc    | unused             | 0x4   | 0x0        | | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x10   | xip_dev            | 0x4   | 0x2        | | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x14   | xip_vaddr          | 0x4   | 0x20000000 | | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x18   | xip_page_size      | 0x4   | 0x0        | | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x1c   | xip_flash_base     | 0x4   | 0x0        | | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x20   | xip_flash_nb_pages | 0x4   | 0x0        | | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x24   | xip_l2_base        | 0x4   | 0x1c18e000 | | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x28   | xip_l2_nb_pages    | 0x4   | 0x10       | | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x2c   | kc_length          | 0x4   | 0x0        | | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x30   | key_length         | 0x4   | 0x0        | | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x34   | ac                 | 0x400 | -          | | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x434  | kc                 | 0x80  | -          | | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x4b4  | kc_write           | 0x80  | -          | | |
  |                |                 |              | | 0x534  | 0x10   | Binary segment header | +--------+--------------+------+------------+        | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | Offset | Name         | Size | Value      |        | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | +--------+--------------+------+------------+        | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x534  | flash_offset | 0x4  | 0x574      |        | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x538  | mem_addr     | 0x4  | 0x1c000008 |        | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x53c  | size         | 0x4  | 0x780      |        | |
  |                |                 |              | |        |        |                       | | 0x540  | crc          | 0x4  |