Memory Checker


The memory checker, referred to as memcheck, is a feature that detects invalid accesses made by the simulated software.

It currently detects two kinds of invalid accesses:

  • Uninitialized accesses

  • Buffer underflows and overflows


Memcheck can be enabled by adding the –memcheck option to the gapy or gvsoc command:

gvsoc --target=gap.gap9.evk --binary=test image flash run --memcheck

This is the only option available for this feature.

Once a fault is detected, a warning is dumped by GVSOC:

515864014: 19271: [/chip/soc/fc/regfile] Conditional jump depends on uninitialized register (reg: 0)
Input error: Platform returned an error (exitcode: 1)

By default, GVSOC exits when such a warning is raised. To receive the warning but prevent GVSOC from exiting, add the –no-werror option.

Possible errors are explained in the following sections.

Buffer Underflow/Overflow


To detect if an access falls before or after a buffer, GVSOC inserts free space before and after the buffer. This space is declared in a special way in the memory model, and any access to this space triggers a warning.

Since memory in the simulated system can be small, GVSOC remaps buffers to a different location using a kind of virtual address in order to get more space and be able to insert space between and after the buffers. This explains why addresses may look strange when the memcheck feature is enabled.

Buffers are remapped by the memory allocator using two special semi-hosting calls:

  • To inform the memory model about the valid buffers

  • To get the virtual address where the buffer has been remapped

The memory allocator does the allocation with the real address to still see fragmentation and exhaustion issues but returns the virtual address to the caller, allowing the memory model to detect faults.

The semi-hosting allocation call translates the real address into a virtual one and inserts free space before and after.

The deallocation call translates back into the real address.

Since this mechanism is based on dynamic allocations, no fault can be detected on static variables. Any faulty access to a buffer declared as a global variable will not be detected.


The buffer under/overflow checks only detect access outside the declared buffer that has been dynamically allocated.

Such a fault can be triggered with the following code:

char *buff = pi_malloc(1024);
buff[1024] = 0;

It is reported like this:

525310849: 35826: [/chip/soc/l2_virtual/trace] Write access outside buffer (offset: 0x7618)
525310849: 35826: [/chip/soc/l2_virtual/trace] Write access is 1 byte(s) after buffer (buffer_offset: 0x7218, buffer_size: 0x400)
525310849: 35826: [/chip/soc/fc/lsu] Invalid access (pc: 0x1c010370, offset: 0x1c197618, size: 0x1, is_write: 1)
Input error: Platform returned an error (exitcode: 1)

The memory first informs about the fault and specifies whether the access is before or after the buffer, and how far in terms of bytes.

The fault is then reported to the faulting core as an invalid bus access, triggering the warning and exit.

The reported buffer is the one closest to the access, either its last byte when searching before the access or its first byte when searching after.

Since buffer under/overflows are detected by inserting empty space between buffers, it is possible that the wrong buffer is reported if the access is far away from a buffer. Even worse, it can fall into another buffer and no fault is reported in this case.

Uninitialized Accesses


When memcheck is enabled, memory models instantiate a dedicated valid array next to the classic data array, with the same size. This valid array is initialized so that any data bit is considered uninitialized. There is one valid bit for each data bit, so the granularity of the check is a bit.

Any write access to the memory model turns the corresponding valid bits into initialized bits.

Any read access to the memory model reports the valid bits to the initiator, which takes them into account.

The whole memory is set as uninitialized when the simulation starts. Memory deallocation also sets the entire chunk being freed as uninitialized, since it is not valid to access this memory until it is written again.

Currently, only the core model checks them. It allows read accesses to uninitialized locations but raises a fault if an uninitialized value is used for:

  • A branch, since it can lead to a jump to an invalid address

  • A memory access, since it leads to an invalid address


Many uninitialized accesses are not reported because it is legal to load an uninitialized location. The compiler can do this for speculation. For example, it can load a value in advance while not being sure it is valid because it depends on the result of a check.

The most common fault for uninitialized accesses is loading a value from an uninitialized location and using it for a check. This fault can make the core randomly jump to a branch or another.

This can be triggered with the following code:

char *buff = pi_malloc(1024);
if (buff[256])

This will report the following warning:

559544241: 36866: [/chip/soc/fc/regfile] Conditional jump depends on uninitialized register (reg: 0)
Input error: Platform returned an error (exitcode: 1)

The second kind of error occurs when the core tries to use an uninitialized value to build an address and accesses it.

This can happen with the following code:

uint32_t *buff = pi_malloc(1024);

buff[128] = 0x1c040000;

pi_free(buff, 1024);

buff = pi_malloc(1024);
*(uint32_t *)buff[128] = 0;

To trigger it, the idea is to read a pointer from an uninitialized location and use it to perform an access.

The goal is to access a valid location using a valid pointer retrieved from an uninitialized location. This type of bug is tricky to debug because it seems valid at first since the address looks good. Memcheck detects that the pointer is still invalid because it is built from an uninitialized location.

This happens when a buffer is allocated, valid values are written into it, the buffer is freed, then the same buffer is allocated, and data is read from it without initializing it.

This use-case is reproduced by the code. A buffer is allocated, a valid address is written, the buffer is freed, then reallocated, and an access is made from the pointer written earlier. A valid pointer is obtained, but the code is invalid.

Note that this code works if the memory allocator returns the same chunk, which may not always be true.

This code will trigger the following warning:

511737517: 34945: [/chip/soc/fc/regfile] Access address depends on uninitialized register (reg: 0)
Input error: Platform returned an error (exitcode: 1)

Runtime Support

As mentioned earlier, memory allocations and deallocations must be declared using two special semi-hosting calls.

These calls are accessible using the gvsoc target header (gvsoc.h) by calling these functions:

static inline void *gv_memcheck_mem_alloc(int mem_id, void *ptr, size_t size);

static inline void *gv_memcheck_mem_free(int mem_id, void *ptr, size_t size);

The first argument is the memory identifier where the operation is performed. Each memory in the simulated system is assigned an identifier that must be provided here.

The other arguments describe the chunk being allocated or deallocated by the memory allocator in the simulated software.

GDB Support

The memcheck warnings provide information about the invalid access but not about the code that triggered the fault.

To get more information, GDB can be connected. Any memcheck fault triggers a bus error, which is caught by GDB. GDB then shows the source code where the bus error occurred and gives control back to the user.

Once GDB is connected, the code shown in the first buffer under/overflow error will make GDB print the following message:

Thread 11 received signal SIGBUS, Bus error.
0x1c010376 in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at test.c:8
8        buff[1024] = 10;

From there, the backtrace can be shown, and variables can be dumped to understand what led to this fault.