group XIP

XIP Execute In Place.

Unnamed Group

enum xip_page_size_e


enumerator XIP_PAGE_SIZE_512B
enumerator XIP_PAGE_SIZE_1KB
enumerator XIP_PAGE_SIZE_2KB
enumerator XIP_PAGE_SIZE_4KB
enumerator XIP_PAGE_SIZE_8KB
enumerator XIP_PAGE_SIZE_16KB
enumerator XIP_PAGE_SIZE_32KB
enumerator XIP_PAGE_SIZE_64KB
typedef struct pi_xip_conf_s pi_xip_conf_t
typedef struct pi_xip_data_err_s pi_xip_data_err_t
PI_INLINE_XIP0 int32_t pi_xip_mount(pi_device_t *mount, void *virt_addr, uint32_t ext_addr, uint32_t mount_size, uint8_t cacheable)

Mount an area in XIP virtual memory.

Allows to mount an area from external memory, starting at external address ext_addr, of size mount_size * page_size into the XIP virtual memory starting at virt_addr.

  • mount – A pi device containing the mount configuration.

  • virt_addr – An address contained in XIP area where mount will happen.

  • ext_addr – An external address from which the mount will happen.

  • mount_size – A mount size, expressed in number of pages.

  • cacheable – Whether I-Cache should be aware of the pages used by this mount.

Return values:
  • 0 – Success

  • <errno> – Error code

PI_INLINE_XIP0 void pi_xip_unmount(pi_device_t *mount)

Unmount previously mounted XIP area.


Should only be used from L2 code.

  • mount – A pi device containing the mount configuration.

PI_INLINE_XIP0 int32_t pi_xip_free_page_mask_get(uint32_t *page_mask, uint8_t nb_pages)

Acquire previously allocated XIP cache pages.

  • page_mask – A pointer to a page mask to be filled.

  • nb_pages – Desired number of pages.

Return values:
  • 0 – Success

  • > – 0 Number of free pages left (if not enough are available)

PI_INLINE_XIP0 int32_t pi_xip_dcache_page_alloc(uint32_t page_id, xip_page_size_e page_size)

Allocate chunks of L2 memory for XIP pages.

  • page_id – Id of the hardware page to be allocated.

  • page_size – Size of the page to be allocated.

Return values:
  • 0 – Success

  • <errno> – Error code

PI_INLINE_XIP0 int32_t pi_xip_dcache_page_free(uint32_t page_id, xip_page_size_e page_size)

Release L2 page used by XIP.

  • page_id – Id of the hardware page to be freed.

  • page_size – Size of the page to be freed.

Return values:
  • 0 – Success

  • <errno> – Error code

PI_INLINE_XIP0 void pi_xip_device_get(pi_device_t *device, uint32_t id, void **virt_addr)

After sleep with retention, get device back.

  • device – Pointer to the device to set

  • id – ID of the device

  • virt_addr – Pointer to get the virtual address where the device is mounted




struct pi_xip_conf_s
#include <xip.h>

XIP configuration structure.

This structure is used to pass the desired XIP configuration to the runtime when mounting a memory area.

Public Members

uint8_t ro

whether this mount is read only. Write accesses will trigger an exception.

uint8_t per_id

Peripheral / mem controller on which to mount.

uint8_t tlb_en

Whether TLB is enabled.

uint16_t page_mask

XIP cache pages to be used for this mount.

xip_page_size_e page_size

Desired page size, starts at 512, computes as 512 << page_size. Maximum is 64KB

pi_func_t data_exception_handler

Exception handler for fc data accesses.

pi_func_t instr_exception_handler

Exception handler for fc insn accesses.

pi_func_t cl_irq_handler

Exception handler for cluster accesses.

struct pi_xip_data_err_s
#include <xip.h>

Structure which will be used as argument for user handler. It contains exception info.

This structure can be used by user exception handler to handle faults

Public Members

uint32_t error_addr

Address at which the error happened.

uint32_t violation

Type of error.