

The GVSOC API provides some features specific to GVSOC through semi-hosting to ease the debug and profiling of the simulated software.

Engine control

This provides a set of functions for controlling GVSOC execution.


doxygengroup: Cannot find group “ENGINE” in doxygen xml output for project “gap_sdk” from directory: _build/xml_gap_sdk

Trace control

This provides a set of functions for controlling system traces from the simulated software.


doxygengroup: Cannot find group “TRACES” in doxygen xml output for project “gap_sdk” from directory: _build/xml_gap_sdk

PCER control

This provides a set of functions for reading and writing core performance counters. These counters are usually accessed with CSR instructions but this API can also be used to get more convenient ways of accessing them, like for example dumping them all to a file.


doxygengroup: Cannot find group “PERF” in doxygen xml output for project “gap_sdk” from directory: _build/xml_gap_sdk

VCD control

This provides a set of functions for controlling VCD traces from the simulated software, in particular to modify VCD traces value in order to give some context to the VCD view.


doxygengroup: Cannot find group “VCD” in doxygen xml output for project “gap_sdk” from directory: _build/xml_gap_sdk