
The PMSIS BSP is a set of high level-drivers written on top of the PMSIS API, which makes them available on any operating system which implements the PMSIS API.


All functions prefixed by pi_ can only be called from fabric-controller side while the ones prefixed by pi_cl_ can only be called from cluster side. Any exception to these rules is documented where it applies.

All functions on fabric-controller side are by default synchronous and are blocking the caller until the operation is done. All the functions suffixed by _async are asynchronous and are not blocking the caller. The termination of such operations is managed with a pi_evt_t object, see PMSIS API documentation for more information.

Functions on cluster-side are by default synchronous but can also be asynchronous if the documentation of the function mentions it.

Chip-specific information

All functions transferring data between an external device and a chip memory must use the L2 memory for the chip memory.
