

This group contains gap specific utilities (Core nb, current core etc).

group OthersG


int __builtin_pulp_CoreCount()

Returns number of cores in the cluster.

Returns number of cores in the cluster.

Default is 8 but can be overidden by the gcc option -mPE=

Available macros:


int __builtin_pulp_CoreId()

Returns the core number on which a program is currently executing.

Returns the core number on which a program is currently executing.

On Cluster: 0 to 7, on fabric controller: 0.

Available macros:


int __builtin_pulp_ClusterId()

Returns the cluster number on which a program is currently execution.

Returns the cluster number on which a program is currently execution.

For Cluster returns 0 and for fabric controller returns 31.

Available macros:


int __builtin_pulp_IsFc()

Returns 1 is program currently runs on the fabric controller, 0 otherwise.

Returns 1 is program currently runs on the fabric controller, 0 otherwise.

Available macros:


Bit manipulation

group BitManip


unsigned int __builtin_pulp_fl1(int x)

Bit position of the last bit set in x starting from MSB.

Bit position of the last bit set in x starting from MSB. If bit 31 is set, returns 31. If only bit 0 is set returns 0. If x is 0, returns 32.

Equivalent to pure gcc sequence (31 - __builtin_clz((x))) Available macros: gap_fl1(x);

  • x – Argument

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_ff1(int x)

Bit position of the first bit set in x, starting from LSB.

Bit position of the first bit set in x, starting from LSB. If bit 0 is set, returns 0. If only bit 31 is set, returns 31. If x is 0, returns 32.

Equivalent to pure gcc __builtin_ctz((x))

Available macros: gap_ff1(x);

  • x – Argument

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_clb(int x)

Count leading bits of x.

Count leading bits of x. This is the number of consecutive 1’s or 0’s from MSB. If x0 is 0, returns 0.

Equivalent to pure gcc sequence __builtin_clrsb((x))

Available macros: gap_clb(x);

  • x – Argument

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_cnt(int x)

Count number of bits at 1 in x.

Count number of bits at 1 in x.

Equivalent to pure gcc sequence __builtin_popcount((x))

Available macros: gap_cnt(x);

  • x – Argument

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_parity(int x)

Returns x’s parity.

Returns x’s parity.

Equivalent to pure gcc sequence __builtin_parity((x))

  • x – Argument

int __builtin_pulp_bclr(int x, unsigned int mask)

Clears x’s bit not at 1 in mask, mask = ~((2^size -1)<<pos), mask is immediate.

Clears x’s bit not at 1 in mask, mask = ~((2^size -1)<<pos), mask is immediate.

Available macros:

    gap_bitclr(x, size, off);
    __BITCLR(x, size, off);

  • x – Argument

  • mask – mask = ~((2^size -1)<<pos), immediate

int __builtin_pulp_bclr_r(int x, unsigned int mask)

Clears size x’s bit starting from off, mask[9..5] = size-1, mask[4..0] = off.

Clears size x’s bit starting from off, mask[9..5] = size-1, mask[4..0] = off.

Available macros:

    gap_bitclr_r(x, size, off)
    __BITCLR_R(x, size, off)

  • x – Argument

  • mask – mask[9..5] = size-1, mask[4..0] = off

int __builtin_pulp_bset(int x, unsigned int mask)

Sets x’s at 1 in mask, mask = (2^size -1)<<pos, mask is immediate.

Sets x’s at 1 in mask, mask = (2^size -1)<<pos, mask is immedidate.

Available macros:

    gap_bitset(x, size, off)
    __BITSET(x, size, off)

  • x – Argument

  • mask – mask = (2^size -1)<<pos, mask is immediate.

int __builtin_pulp_bset_r(int x, unsigned int mask)

Sets size x’s starting at off, mask = (2^size -1)<<pos.

Sets size x’s starting at off, mask = (2^size -1)<<pos

Available macros:

    gap_bitset_r(x, size, off)
    __BITSET_R(x, size, off)

  • x – Argument

  • mask – mask[9..5] = size-1, mask[4..0] = off

int __builtin_pulp_bextract(int x, unsigned int size, unsigned int off)

Extracts size bits from x starting at offset off, sign extended. size and off immediates and in [0..31], (off+size)<=32.

Extracts size bits from x starting at offset off, sign extended. size and off immediates and in [0..31], (off+size)<=32

Available macros:

    gap_bitextract(x, size, off)
    __BITEXTRACT(x, size, off)

  • x – Argument

  • size – Extract size bits from x

  • off – Extract from x at position off, in [0..31]

int __builtin_pulp_bextract_r(int x, unsigned int mask)

Extracts size bits from x starting at offset off, size-1 in mask[9..5], off in mask[4..0], sign extended.

Extracts size bits from x starting at offset off, size-1 in mask[9..5], off in mask[4..0], sign extended.

Available macros:

    gap_bitextract_r(x, size, off)
    __BITEXTRACT_R(x, size, off)

  • x – Argument

  • mask – mask[9..5]: extract size, mask[4..0]: extract offset

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_bextractu(int x, unsigned int size, unsigned int off)

Extracts size bits from x starting at offset off, zero extended. size and off immediates and in [0..31], (off+size)<=32.

Extracts size bits from x starting at offset off, zero extended. size and off immediates and in [0..31], (off+size)<=32

Available macros:

gap_bitextractu(x, size, off)
__BITEXTRACTU(x, size, off)

  • x – Argument

  • size – Extract size bits from x

  • off – Extract from x at position off, in [0..31]

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_bextractu_r(int x, unsigned int mask)

Extracts size bits from x starting at offset off, size-1 in mask[9..5], off in mask[4..0], zero extended.

Extracts size bits from x starting at offset off, size-1 in mask[9..5], off in mask[4..0], zero extended.

Available macros:

gap_bitextractu_r(x, size, off)
__BITEXTRACTU_R(x, size, off)

  • x – Argument

  • mask – mask[9..5]: extract size, mask[4..0]: extract offset

int __builtin_pulp_binsert(int dst, unsigned int not_mask_imm, int src, unsigned int mask_imm, unsigned int off)

Inserts first size bits of src into dst at offset off. size and off given by 2 immediate masks: not_mask_imm, mask_imm.

Inserts first size bits of src into dst at offset off. size and off given by 2 immediate masks: not_mask_imm, mask_imm. Returns dst after insertion of src.

    Given size and off:
            not_mask_imm = ~((2^size-1)<<off)
            mask_imm = ((2^size-1)<<off)
    Warning: if mask_imm != ~not_mask_imm an error wil be generated
Available macros:
gap_bitinsert(x, size, off)
__BITINSERT(x, size, off)

  • dst – Insert into dst

  • not_mask_imm – Not extraction mask: ~((2^size-1)<<off)

  • src – Source. First size bits of src are inserted into dst at position off

  • mask_imm – Extraction mask: (2^size-1)<<off

  • off – offset, in [0..31]

int __builtin_pulp_binsert_r(int dst, int src, unsigned int mask_extract_insert, unsigned int off)

Inserts first size bits of src into dst at offset off. size-1 in mask_extract_insert[9..5], off in mask_extract_insert[4..0].

Inserts first size bits of src into dst at offset off. size-1 in mask_extract_insert[9..5], off in mask_extract_insert[4..0].xi Returns dst after insertion of src.

Available macros:

gap_bitinsert_r(x, size, off)
__BITINSERT_R(x, size, off)

  • dst – Destination

  • src – Source. First size bits of src are inserted into dst at position off

  • mask_extract_insert – size-1 in mask_extract_insert[9..5], off in mask_extract_insert[4..0]

  • off – extraction offset, also present of mask_insert_extract

int __builtin_pulp_rotr(int x)

One bit right rotation.

One bit right rotation

Available macros:

gap_rotr(x, size, off)
__ROTR(x, size, off)

  • x – Argument

Arithmetic operations

group Arith


unsigned int __builtin_pulp_abs(int x)

Absolute value.

Absolute value

  • x – Argument

int __builtin_pulp_maxsi(int x, int y)

Maximum of two signed integers.

aximum of two signed integers

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

int __builtin_pulp_minsi(int x, int y)

Minimum of two signed integers.

Minimum of two signed integers

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_maxusi(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)

Unsigned maximum of two integers.

Unsigned maximum of two integers

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2bd Argument

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_minusi(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)

Unsigned minimum of two integers.

Unsigned minimum of two integers

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2bd Argument

int __builtin_pulp_addN(int x, int y, unsigned int n)

Fixed point addition followed by normalization, normalization is an immediate [0..31].

Fixed point addition followed by normalization, normalization is an immediate [0..31].

returns (x+y)>>n

Available macros:

gap_addnorm(x, y, n);
__ADDNORM(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate, arithmetic shift right

int __builtin_pulp_addN_r(int x, int y, unsigned int n)

Fixed point addition followed by normalization.

Fixed point addition followed by normalization

returns (x+y)>>n

Available macros:

gap_addnorm_reg(x, y, n);
__ADDNORM_REG(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor, arithmetic shift right

int __builtin_pulp_addRN(int x, int y, unsigned int n, unsigned int r)

Fixed point addition followed by rounding and then by normalization, normalization is an immediate [0..31].

Fixed point addition followed by rounding and then by normalization, normalization is an immediate [0..31]

Returns ((x + y) + r) >> n; r = 2^(n-1)

Available macros:

gap_addroundnorm(x, y, n);
__ADDROUNDNORM(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate in [0..31]

  • r – Rounding factor, = 2^(n-1)

int __builtin_pulp_addRN_r(int x, int y, unsigned int n)

Fixed point addition followed by rounding and then by normalization.

Fixed point addition followed by rounding and then by normalization.

Returns ((x + y) + 2^(n-1)) >> n

Available macros:

gap_addroundnorm_reg(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization and rounding factor

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_adduN(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int n)

Fixed point unsigned addition followed by normalization, normalization is an immediate [0..31].

Fixed point unsigned addition followed by normalization, normalization is an immediate [0..31]

Returns (x + y) >> n

Available macros:

gap_addnormu(x, y, n);
__ADDNORMU(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate in [0..31]

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_adduN_r(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int n)

Fixed point unsigned addition followed by normalization, normalization is in [0..31].

Fixed point unsigned addition followed by normalization, normalization is in [0..31]

Returns ((x + y) + 2^(n-1)) >> n

Available macros:

gap_addnormu_reg(x, y, n);
__ADDNORMU_REG(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_adduRN(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int n, unsigned int r)

Fixed point unsigned addition followed by rounding and then by normalization, normalization is an immediate in [0..31].

Fixed point unsigned addition followed by rounding and then by normalization, normalization is an immediate in [0..31]

Returns ((x + y) + r) >> n; r = 2^(n-1)

Available macros:

gap_addroundnormu(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate in [0..31]

  • r – Rounding factor, = 2^(n-1)

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_adduRN_r(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int n)

Fixed point unsigned addition followed by rounding and then by normalization, normalization is in [0..31].

Fixed point unsigned addition followed by rounding and then by normalization, normalization is in [0..31]

Returns ((x + y) + 2^(n-1)) >> n

Available macros:

gap_addroundnormu_reg(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization and rounding factor

int __builtin_pulp_subN(int x, int y, unsigned int n)

Fixed point substraction followed by normalization, normalization is an immediate [0..31].

Fixed point substraction followed by normalization, normalization is an immediate [0..31].

returns (x-y)>>n

Available macros:

gap_subnorm(x, y, n);
__SUBNORM(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate in [0..31], arithmetic shift right

int __builtin_pulp_subN_r(int x, int y, unsigned int n)

Fixed point substraction followed by normalization.

Fixed point substraction followed by normalization

returns (x-y)>>n

Available macros:

gap_subnorm_reg(x, y, n);
__SUBNORM_REG(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor, arithmetic shift right

int __builtin_pulp_subRN(int x, int y, unsigned int n, unsigned int r)

Fixed point substraction followed by rounding and then by normalization, normalization is an immediate [0..31].

Fixed point substraction followed by rounding and then by normalization, normalization is an immediate [0..31]

Returns ((x - y) + r) >> n; r = 2^(n-1)

Available macros:

gap_subroundnorm(x, y, n);
__SUBROUNDNORM(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate in [0..31]

  • r – Rounding factor, = 2^(n-1)

int __builtin_pulp_subRN_r(int x, int y, unsigned int n)

Fixed point substraction followed by rounding and then by normalization.

Fixed point substraction followed by rounding and then by normalization.

Returns ((x - y) + 2^(n-1)) >> n

Available macros:

gap_subroundnorm_reg(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization and rounding factor

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_subuN(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int n)

Fixed point unsigned substraction followed by normalization, normalization is an immediate [0..31].

Fixed point unsigned substraction followed by normalization, normalization is an immediate [0..31]

Returns (x - y) >> n

Available macros:

gap_subnormu(x, y, n);
__SUBNORMU(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_subuN_r(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int n)

Fixed point unsigned substraction followed by normalization.

Fixed point unsigned substraction followed by normalization.

Returns (x - y) >> n

Available macros:

gap_subnormu_reg(x, y, n);
__SUBNORMU_REG(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_subuRN(int x, int y, unsigned int n, unsigned int r)

Fixed point unsigned substration followed by rounding and then by normalization, normalization is an immediate in [0..31].

Fixed point unsigned substration followed by rounding and then by normalization, normalization is an immediate in [0..31]

Returns: ((x - y) + r) >> n; r = 2^(n-1)

Available macros:

gap_subroundnormu(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate value in [0..31]

  • r – Rounding factor, should be equal to 2^(n-1)

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_subuRN_r(int x, int y, unsigned int n)

Fixed point unsigned substration followed by rounding and then by normalization.

Fixed point unsigned substration followed by rounding and then by normalization.

Returns: ((x - y) + r) >> n; r = 2^(n-1)

Available macros:

gap_subroundnormu_reg(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization and rounding factor

int __builtin_pulp_muls(int x, int y)

LSP short int by LSP short int into int multiplication.

LSP short int by LSP short int into int multiplication

Returns (((short int) (x) * (short int) (y)))

Available macros:

gap_muls(x, y, n);
__MULS(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

int __builtin_pulp_mulsN(int x, int y, unsigned int n)

LSP short int by LSP short int into int multiplication followed by normalization (immediate value)

LSP short int by LSP short int into int multiplication followed by normalization (immediate value)

Returns ((((short int) (x) * (short int) (y))) >> n)

Available macros:

gap_mulsN(x, y, n);
__MULSN(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate value in [0..31]

int __builtin_pulp_mulsRN(int x, int y, unsigned int n, unsigned int r)

LSP short int by LSP short int into int multiplication followed by rounding and then normalization (immediate value)

LSP short int by LSP short int into int multiplication followed by rounding and then normalization (immediate value)

Returns ((((short int) (x) * (short int) (y)) + r; r = (1<<((n)-1)))>>(n)

Available macros:

gap_mulsRN(x, y, n);
__MULSRN(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate value in [0..31]

  • r – Rounding factor, must be equal to 2^(n-1)

int __builtin_pulp_mulhhs(int x, int y)

MSP Short int by MSP short int into int multiplication.

MSP short int by MSP short int into int multiplication

Returns (((short int) ((x)>>16) * (short int) ((y)>>16)))

Available macros:

gap_mulhhs(x, y, n);
__MULHHS(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

int __builtin_pulp_mulhhsN(int x, int y, unsigned int n)

MSP short int by MSP short int into int multiplication followed by normalization (immediate value)

MSP short int by MSP short int into int multiplication followed by normalization (immediate value)

Returns ((((short int) (x) * (short int) (y))) >> n)

Available macros:

gap_mulhhsN(x, y, n);
__MULHHSN(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate value in [0..31]

int __builtin_pulp_mulhhsRN(int x, int y, unsigned int n, unsigned int r)

MSP short int by MSP short int into int multiplication followed by rounding and then normalization (immediate value)

MSP short int by MSP short int into int multiplication followed by rounding and then normalization (immediate value)

Returns ((((short int) (x) * (short int) (y)) + r); r = (1<<((n)-1)))>>(n)

Available macros:

gap_mulhhsRN(x, y, n);
__MULHHSRN(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate value in [0..31]

  • r – Rounding factor, must be equal to 2^(n-1)

int __builtin_pulp_mulu(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)

LSP short int by LSP short int into int unsigned multiplication.

LSP short int by LSP short int into unsigned int multiplication

Returns (((unsigned short int) (x) * (unsigned short int) (y)))

Available macros:

gap_mulu(x, y, n);
__MULU(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

int __builtin_pulp_muluN(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int n)

LSP short int by LSP short int into int unsigned multiplication followed by normalization (immediate value)

LSP short int by LSP short int into int unsigned multiplication followed by normalization (immediate value)

Returns ((((unsigned short int) (x) * (unsigned short int) (y))) >> n)

Available macros:

gap_muluN(x, y, n);
__MULUN(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate value in [0..31]

int __builtin_pulp_muluRN(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int n, unsigned int r)

LSP short int by LSP short int into int unsigned multiplication followed by rounding and then normalization (immediate value)

LSP short int by LSP short int into int unsigned multiplication followed by rounding and then normalization (immediate value)

Returns ((((unsigned short int) (x) * (unsigned short int) (y)) + r)>>(n)); r = 2^(n-1)

Available macros:

gap_muluRN(x, y, n);
__MULSUN(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate value in [0..31].

  • r – Rounding factor, must be equal to 2^(n-1)

int __builtin_pulp_mulhhu(unsigned int x, unsigned int y)

MSP Short int by MSP short int into int unsigned multiplication.

MSP short int by MSP short int into int unsigned multiplication

Returns (((unsigned short int) ((x)>>16) * (unsigned short int) ((y)>>16)))

Available macros:

gap_mulhhu(x, y, n);
__MULHHU(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

int __builtin_pulp_mulhhuN(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int n)

MSP short int by MSP short int into int unsigned multiplication followed by normalization (immediate value)

MSP short int by MSP short int into int unsigned multiplication followed by normalization (immediate value)

Returns ((((unsigned short int) (x) * (unsigned short int) (y))) >> n)

Available macros:

gap_mulhhuN(x, y, n);
__MULHHUN(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate value in [0..31]

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_mulhhuRN(short int x, short int y, unsigned int n, unsigned int r)

MSP short int by MSP short int into int unsigned multiplication followed by rounding and then normalization (immediate value)

MSP short int by MSP short int into int unsigned multiplication followed by rounding and then normalization (immediate value)

Returns ((((unsigned short int) (x) * (unsigned short int) (y)) + r)>>(n)); r = 2^(n-1)

Available macros:

gap_mulhhsRN(x, y, n);
__MULHHSRN(x, y, n);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 1st Argument

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate value in [0..31]

  • r – Rounding factor, must be equal to 2^(n-1)

int __builtin_pulp_mac(int x, int y, int Acc)

Multiply accumulate, int operands.

Multiply accumulate, int operands

Returns Acc + x*y

Available macros:

gap_mac(Acc, x, y);
__MAC(Acc, x, y);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • Acc – Accumulator

int __builtin_pulp_machhs(int x, int y, int Acc)

Multiply MSP short int by MSP short int into int and Accumulate.

Multiply MSP short int by MSP short int into int and Accumulate

Returns (Acc + ((short int) (x>>16) * (short int) (y>>16)))

Available macros:

gap_machhs(Acc, x, y);
__MACHHS(Acc, x, y);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • Acc – Accumulator

int __builtin_pulp_machhu(int x, int y, int Acc)

unsigned multiply MSP short int by MSP short int into int and Accumulate

unsigned multiply MSP short int by MSP short int into int and Accumulate

Returns (Acc + ((unsigned short int) (x>>16) * (unsigned short int) (y>>16)))

Available macros:

gap_machhu(Acc, x, y);
__MACHHU(Acc, x, y);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • Acc – Accumulator

int __builtin_pulp_msu(int x, int y, int Acc)

Multiply substract, int operands.

Multiply substract, int operands

Returns Acc - x*y

Available macros:

gap_msu(Acc, x, y);
__MSU(Acc, x, y);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • Acc – Accumulator

int __builtin_pulp_macs(int x, int y, int Acc)

Multiply LSP short int by LSP short int into int and Accumulate.

Multiply LSP short int by LSP short int into int and Accumulate

Returns (Acc + ((short int) x * (short int) y))

Available macros:

gap_macs(Acc, x, y);
__MACS(Acc, x, y);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • Acc – Accumulator

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_macu(int x, int y, int Acc)

Unsigned multiply LSP short int by LSP short int into int and Accumulate.

Unsigned multiply LSP short int by LSP short int into int and Accumulate

Returns (Acc + ((unsigned short int) x * (unsigned short int) y))

Available macros:

gap_macu(Acc, x, y);
__MACU(Acc, x, y);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • Acc – Accumulator

int __builtin_pulp_macsN(int x, int y, int Acc, unsigned int n)

Multiply LSP short int by LSP short int into int and Accumulate then normalization.

Multiply LSP short int by LSP short int into int and Accumulate then normalization

Returns (Acc + ((short int) x * (short int) y)) >> n

Available macros:

gap_macsN(Acc, x, y);
__MACSN(Acc, x, y);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • Acc – Accumulator

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate in [0..31]

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_macuN(int x, int y, int Acc, unsigned int n)

Unsigned multiply LSP short int by LSP short int into int and Accumulate then normalization.

Unsigned multiply LSP short int by LSP short int into int and Accumulate then normalization

Returns (Acc + ((unsigned short int) x * (unsigned short int) y)) >> n

Available macros:

gap_macuN(Acc, x, y);
__MACUN(Acc, x, y);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • Acc – Accumulator

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate in [0..31]

int __builtin_pulp_macsRN(int x, int y, int Acc, unsigned int n, unsigned int r)

Multiply LSP short int by LSP short int into int and Accumulate then rounding followed by normalization.

Multiply LSP short int by LSP short int into int and Accumulate then rounding followed by normalization

Returns ((Acc + ((short int) x * (short int) y)) + r) >> n; r = 2^(n-1)

Available macros:

gap_macsRN(Acc, x, y);
__MACSRN(Acc, x, y);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • Acc – Accumulator

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate in [0..31]

  • r – Rounding factor, must be equal to 2^(n-1)

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_macuRN(int x, int y, int Acc, unsigned int n, unsigned int r)

Unsigned multiply LSP short int by LSP short int into int and Accumulate then rounding followed by normalization.

Unsigned multiply LSP short int by LSP short int into int and Accumulate then rounding followed by normalization

Returns ((Acc + ((unsigned short int) x * (unsigned short int) y)) + r) >> n; r = 2^(n-1)

Available macros:

gap_macuRN(Acc, x, y);
__MACURN(Acc, x, y);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • Acc – Accumulator

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate in [0..31]

  • r – Rounding factor, must be equal to 2^(n-1)

int __builtin_pulp_machhsN(int x, int y, int Acc, unsigned int n)

Multiply MSP short int by MSP short int into int and Accumulate then rounding followed by normalization.

Multiply MSP short int by MSP short int into int and Accumulate then rounding followed by normalization

Returns ((Acc + ((short int) (x>>16) * (short int) (y>>16))) + r) >> n; r = 2^(n-1)

Available macros:

gap_machhsRN(Acc, x, y);
__MACHHSRN(Acc, x, y);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • Acc – Accumulator

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate in [0..31]

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_machhuN(int x, int y, int Acc, unsigned int n)

Unsigned multiply MSP short int by MSP short int into int and Accumulate then normalization.

Unsigned multiply MSP short int by MSP short int into int and Accumulate then normalization

Returns (Acc + ((unsigned short int) (x>>16) * (unsigned short int) (y>>16))) >> n

Available macros:

gap_machhuN(Acc, x, y);
__MACHHUN(Acc, x, y);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • Acc – Accumulator

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate in [0..31]

int __builtin_pulp_machhsRN(int x, int y, int Acc, unsigned int n, unsigned int r)

Multiply MSP short int by MSP short int into int and Accumulate then rounding followed by normalization.

Multiply MSP short int by MSP short int into int and Accumulate then rounding followed by normalization

Returns ((Acc + ((short int) (x>>16) * (short int) (y>>16))) + r) >> n; r = 2^(n-1)

Available macros:

gap_machhsRN(Acc, x, y);
__MACSHHRN(Acc, x, y);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • Acc – Accumulator

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate in [0..31]

  • r – Rounding factor, must be equal to 2^(n-1)

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_machhuRN(int x, int y, int Acc, unsigned int n, unsigned int r)

Unsigned multiply MSP short int by MSP short int into int and Accumulate then rounding followed by normalization.

Unsigned multiply MSP short int by MSP short int into int and Accumulate then rounding followed by normalization

Returns ((Acc + ((unsigned short int) (x>>16) * (unsigned short int) (y>>16))) + r) >> n; r = 2^(n-1)

Available macros:

gap_machhuRN(Acc, x, y);
__MACHHURN(Acc, x, y);

  • x – 1st Argument

  • y – 2nd Argument

  • Acc – Accumulator

  • n – Normalization factor, immediate in [0..31]

  • r – Rounding factor, must be equal to 2^(n-1)

int __builtin_pulp_clip(int x, int lb, int ub)

Clips input to [lb=-2^Precision .. ub=2^Precision-1], lb, ub immediates.

Clips input to [lb=-2^precision .. ub=2^precision-1], lb, ub immediates.

Returns: ((x)<(-(1<<(precision)))?(-(1<<(precision))):(((x)>((1<<(precision))-1))?((1<<(precision))-1):(x)))

Available macros:

gap_clip(x, precision);
__CLIP(x, precision);

  • x – Argument

  • lb – Lower bound, Immediate: -2^precision

  • ub – Upper bound, Immediate: 2^precision - 1

int __builtin_pulp_clip_r(int x, int bound)

Clips input x to [-bound-1 .. bound].

Clips input x to [-bound-1 .. bound]

Returns (((x)<=-((bound)+1))?(-((bound)+1)):(((x)>=(bound))?(bound):(x)))

Available macros:

gap_clip_r(x, precision);
__CLIP_R(x, precision);

  • x – Argument

  • bound – Clipping bound: [-bound-1 .. bound]

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_clipu(int x, int lb, int ub)

Clips input to [lb=0 .. ub=2^Precision-1], lb, ub immediates.

Clips input to [lb=0 .. ub=2^precision-1], lb, ub immediates.

Returns: ((x)<0)?0:(((x)>((1<<(precision))-1))?((1<<(precision))-1):(x))

Available macros:

gap_clipu(x, precision);
__CLIPU(x, precision);

  • x – Argument

  • lb – Lower bound, must be equal to 0

  • ub – Upper bound, Immediate: 2^precision - 1

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_clipu_r(int x, int bound)

Clips input x to [0 .. bound].

Clips input x to [0 .. bound]

Returns (((x)<=0)?(0):(((x)>=(bound))?(bound):(x)))

Available macros:

gap_clipu_r(x, precision);
__CLIPU_R(x, precision);

  • x – Argument

  • bound – Clipping bound: [0 .. bound]

group DotP


int __builtin_pulp_dotsp2(v2s x, v2s y)

Dot product between 2 vectors of 2 shorts.

Dot product between 2 vectors of 2 shorts.

Returns: ((short)(x)[0]*(short)(y)[0] + (short)(x)[1]*(short)(y)[1])

Available macros:

    gap_dotp2(x, y)
    __DOTP2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

int __builtin_pulp_dotspsc2(v2s x, short int y)

Dot product between 1 vectors of 2 shorts and a replicated short scalar.

Dot product between 2 vectors of 2 shorts and a replicated short scalar.

Returns: ((short)(x)[0]*(short)(y) + (short)(x)[1]*(short)(y))

Available macros:

    gap_dotpsc2(x, y)
    __DOTPSC2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A short scalar, will be replicated 2 times

int __builtin_pulp_dotsp4(v4s x, v4s y)

Dot product between 2 vectors of 4 bytes.

Dot product between 2 vectors of 4 bytes.

Returns: ((char)(x)[0]*(char)(y)[0] + (char)(x)[1]*(char)(y)[1] + (char)(x)[2]*(char)(y)[2] + (char)(x)[3]*(char)(y)[3])

Available macros:

    gap_dotp4(x, y)
    __DOTP4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

int __builtin_pulp_dotspsc4(v4s x, signed char y)

Dot product between a vector of 4 bytes and a replicated byte scalar.

Dot product between a vector of 4 bytes and a replicated byte scalar.

Returns: ((char)(x)[0]*(char)(y) + (char)(x)[1]*(char)(y) + (char)(x)[2]*(char)(y) + (char)(x)[3]*(char)(y))

Available macros:

    gap_dotpsc4(x, y)
    __DOTPSC4(x, y)

  • x – a Vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A byte scalar, will be replicated 4 times

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_dotup2(v2u x, v2u y)

Dot product between 2 vectors of 2 unsigned shorts.

Dot product between 2 vectors of 2 unsigned shorts.

Returns: ((unsigned short)(x)[0]*(unsigned short)(y)[0] + (unsigned short)(x)[1]*(unsigned short)(y)[1])

Available macros:

    gap_dotup2(x, y)
    __DOTPU2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 unsigned shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 unsigned shorts

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_dotupsc2(v2u x, unsigned short int y)

Dot product between 1 vector of 2 unsigned shorts and a replicated unsigned short scalar.

Dot product between 1 vector of 2 unsigned shorts and a replicated unsigned short scalar.

Returns: ((unsigned short)(x)[0]*(unsigned short)(y) + (unsigned short)(x)[1]*(unsigned short)(y))

Available macros:

    gap_dotpusc2(x, y)
    __DOTPUSC2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 unsigned shorts

  • y – An unsigned short scalar, will be replicated 2 times

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_dotup4(v4u x, v4u y)

Dot product between 2 vectors of 4 unsigned bytes.

Dot product between 2 vectors of 4 unsigned bytes.

Returns: ((unsigned char)(x)[0]*(unsigned char)(y)[0] + (unsigned char)(x)[1]*(unsigned char)(y)[1] + (unsigned char)(x)[2]*(unsigned char)(y)[2] + (unsigned char)(x)[3]*(unsigned char)(y)[3])

Available macros:

    gap_dotpu4(x, y)
    __DOTPU4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 unsigned bytes

  • y – An unsigned byte scalar, will be replicated 4 times

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_dotupsc4(v4u x, unsigned char y)

Dot product between 1 vector of 4 unsigned bytes and an unsigned scalar byte replicated 4 times.

Dot product between 1 vector of 4 unsigned bytes and an unsigned scalar byte replicated 4 times.

Returns: ((unsigned char)(x)[0]*(unsigned char)(y) + (unsigned char)(x)[1]*(unsigned char)(y) + (unsigned char)(x)[2]*(unsigned char)(y) + (unsigned char)(x)[3]*(unsigned char)(y))

Available macros:

    gap_dotpusc4(x, y)
    __DOTPUSC4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 unsigned bytes

  • y – An unsigned byte scalar, will be replicated 4 times

int __builtin_pulp_dotusp2(v2u x, v2s y)

Dot product between a vector of 2 unsigned shorts and a vector of 2 signed shorts.

Dot product between a vector of 2 unsigned shorts and a vector of 2 signed shorts.

Returns: ((unsigned short)(x)[0]*(short)(y)[0] + (unsigned short)(x)[1]*(short)(y)[1])

Available macros:

    gap_dotpus2(x, y)
    __DOTPUS2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 unsigned shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 signed shorts

int __builtin_pulp_dotuspsc2(v2u x, short int y)

Dot product between a vector of 2 unsigned shorts and a signed short scalar replicated 2 times.

Dot product between a vector of 2 unsigned shorts and a signed short scalar replicated 2 times.

Returns: ((unsigned short)(x)[0]*(short)(y) + (unsigned short)(x)[1]*(short)(y))

Available macros:

    gap_dotpussc2(x, y)
    __DOTPUSSC2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 unsigned shorts

  • y – A short scalar, will be replicated 2 times

int __builtin_pulp_dotusp4(v4u x, v4s y)

Dot product between 1 vector of 4 unsigned bytes and 1 vector of 4 signed bytes.

Dot product between 1 vector of 4 unsigned bytes and 1 vector of 4 signed bytes.

Returns: ((unsigned char)(x)[0]*(char)(y)[0] + (unsigned char)(x)[1]*(char)(y)[1] + (unsigned char)(x)[2]*(char)(y)[2] + (unsigned char)(x)[3]*(char)(y)[3])

Available macros:

    gap_dotpus4(x, y)
    __DOTPUS4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 unsigned bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 signed bytes

int __builtin_pulp_dotuspsc4(v4u x, signed char y)

Dot product between 1 vector of 4 unsigned bytes and one scalar unsigned byte replicated 4 times.

Dot product between 1 vector of 4 unsigned bytes and one scalar unsigned byte replicated 4 times.

Returns: ((unsigned char)(x)[0]*(char)(y) + (unsigned char)(x)[1]*(char)(y) + (unsigned char)(x)[2]*(char)(y) + (unsigned char)(x)[3]*(char)(y))

Available macros:

    gap_dotpussc4(x, y)
    __DOTPUSSC4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 unsigned bytes

  • y – A signed byte scalar, will be replicated 4 times

int __builtin_pulp_sdotsp2(v2s x, v2s y, int z)

Dot products between 2 vectors of 2 shorts, accumulates result.

Dot products between 2 vectors of 2 shorts, accumulates result.

Returns: z + ((x)[0]*(y)[0] + (x)[1]*(y)[1])

Available macros:

    gap_sumdotp2(x, y, z)
    __SUMDOTP2(x, y, z)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

  • z – The accumulator

int __builtin_pulp_sdotspsc2(v2s x, short int y, int z)

Dot products between 1 vectors of 2 shorts and a replicated short scalar, accumulates result.

Dot products between 2 vectors of 2 shorts and a replicated short scalar, accumulates result.

Returns: z + ((x)[0]*(y) + (x)[1]*(y))

Available macros:

    gap_sumdotpsc2(x, y, z)
    __SUMDOTPSC2(x, y, z)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A short scalar, will be replicated 2 times

  • z – The accumulator

int __builtin_pulp_sdotsp4(v4s x, v4s y, int z)

Dot product between 2 vectors of 4 bytes, accumulates result.

Dot product between 2 vectors of 4 bytes, accumulates result.

Returns: z + ((char)(x)[0]*(char)(y)[0] + (char)(x)[1]*(char)(y)[1] + (char)(x)[2]*(char)(y)[2] + (char)(x)[3]*(char)(y)[3])

Available macros:

    gap_sumdotp4(x, y, z)
    __SUMDOTP4(x, y, z)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

  • z – The accumulator

int __builtin_pulp_sdotspsc4(v4s x, char y, int z)

Dot product between a vector of 4 bytes and a replicated byte scalar, accumulates the result.

Dot product between a vector of 4 bytes and a replicated byte scalar, accumulates the result.

Returns: z + ((char)(x)[0]*(char)(y) + (char)(x)[1]*(char)(y) + (char)(x)[2]*(char)(y) + (char)(x)[3]*(char)(y))

Available macros:

    gap_sumdotpsc4(x, y, z)
    __SUMDOTPSC4(x, y, z)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A byte scalar, will be replicated 4 times

  • z – The accumulator

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_sdotup2(v2u x, v2u y, unsigned int z)

Dot product between 2 vectors of 2 unsigned shorts, accumulates the result.

Dot product between 2 vectors of 2 unsigned shorts, accumulates the result.

Returns: z + ((unsigned short)(x)[0]*(unsigned short)(y)[0] + (unsigned short)(x)[1]*(unsigned short)(y)[1])

Available macros:

    gap_sumdotup2(x, y, z)
    __SUMDOTPU2(x, y, z)

  • x – A vector of 2 unsigned shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 unsigned shorts

  • z – The accumulator

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_sdotupsc2(v2u x, unsigned short int y, unsigned int z)

Dot product between 1 vector of 2 unsigned shorts and a replicated unsigned short scalar, accumulates the result.

Dot product between 1 vector of 2 unsigned shorts and a replicated unsigned short scalar, accumulates the result.

Returns: z + ((unsigned short)(x)[0]*(unsigned short)(y) + (unsigned short)(x)[1]*(unsigned short)(y))

Available macros:

    gap_sumdotpusc2(x, y, z)
    __SUMDOTPUSC2(x, y, z)

  • x – A vector of 2 unsigned shorts

  • y – An unsigned short scalar, will be replicated 2 times

  • z – The accumulator

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_sdotup4(v4u x, v4u y, unsigned int z)

Dot product between 2 vectors of 4 unsigned bytes, accumulates the result.

Dot product between 2 vectors of 4 unsigned bytes, accumulates the result.

Returns: z + ((unsigned char)(x)[0]*(unsigned char)(y)[0] + (unsigned char)(x)[1]*(unsigned char)(y)[1] + (unsigned char)(x)[2]*(unsigned char)(y)[2] + (unsigned char)(x)[3]*(unsigned char)(y)[3])

Available macros:

    gap_sumdotpu4(x, y, z)
    __SUMDOTPU4(x, y, z)

  • x – A vector of 4 unsigned bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 unsigned bytes

  • z – The accumulator

unsigned int __builtin_pulp_sdotupsc4(v4u x, unsigned short int y, unsigned int z)

Dot product between 1 vector of 4 unsigned bytes and an unsigned scalar byte replicated 4 times, accumulates the result.

Dot product between 1 vector of 4 unsigned bytes and an unsigned scalar byte replicated 4 times, accumulates the result.

Returns: z + ((unsigned char)(x)[0]*(unsigned char)(y) + (unsigned char)(x)[1]*(unsigned char)(y) + (unsigned char)(x)[2]*(unsigned char)(y) + (unsigned char)(x)[3]*(unsigned char)(y))

Available macros:

    gap_sumdotpusc4(x, y, z)
    __SUMDOTPUSC4(x, y, z)

  • x – A vector of 4 unsigned bytes

  • y – An unsigned scalar byte, will be replicated 4 times

  • z – The accumulator

int __builtin_pulp_sdotusp2(v2u x, v2s y, int z)

Dot product between a vector of 2 unsigned shorts and a vector of 2 signed shorts, accumulates the result.

Dot product between a vector of 2 unsigned shorts and a vector of 2 signed shorts, accumulates the result.

Returns: z + ((unsigned short)(x)[0]*(short)(y)[0] + (unsigned short)(x)[1]*(short)(y)[1])

Available macros:

    gap_sumdotpus2(x, y, z)
    __SUMDOTPUS2(x, y, z)

  • x – A vector of 2 unsigned shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 signed shorts

  • z – The accumulator

int __builtin_pulp_sdotuspsc2(v2s x, short int y, int z)

Dot product between a vector of 2 unsigned shorts and a signed short scalar replicated 2 times, accumulates the result.

Dot product between a vector of 2 unsigned shorts and a signed short scalar replicated 2 times, accumulates the result.

Returns: z + ((unsigned short)(x)[0]*(short)(y) + (unsigned short)(x)[1]*(short)(y))

Available macros:

    gap_sumdotpussc2(x, y, z)
    __SUMDOTPUSSC2(x, y, z)

  • x – A vector of 2 unsigned shorts

  • y – A signed scalar short, will be replicated 2 times

  • z – The accumulator

int __builtin_pulp_sdotusp4(v4u x, v4s y, int z)

Dot product between 1 vector of 4 unsigned bytes and 1 vector of 4 signed bytes, accumulates the result.

Dot product between 1 vector of 4 unsigned bytes and 1 vector of 4 signed bytes, accumulates the result.

Returns: z + ((unsigned char)(x)[0]*(char)(y)[0] + (unsigned char)(x)[1]*(char)(y)[1] + (unsigned char)(x)[2]*(char)(y)[2] + (unsigned char)(x)[3]*(char)(y)[3])

Available macros:

    gap_sumdotpus4(x, y, z)
    __SUMDOTPUS4(x, y, z)

  • x – A vector of 4 unsigned bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 signed bytes

  • z – The accumulator

int __builtin_pulp_sdotuspsc4(v4u x, short int y, int z)

Dot product between 1 vector of 4 unsigned bytes and one scalar unsigned byte replicated 4 times, accumulates the result.

Dot product between 1 vector of 4 unsigned bytes and one scalar unsigned byte replicated 4 times, accumulates the result.

Returns: z + ((unsigned char)(x)[0]*(char)(y) + (unsigned char)(x)[1]*(char)(y) + (unsigned char)(x)[2]*(char)(y) + (unsigned char)(x)[3]*(char)(y))

Available macros:

    gap_sumdotpussc4(x, y, z)
    __SUMDOTPUSSC4(x, y, z)

  • x – A vector of 4 unsigned bytes

  • y – A signed scalar byte, will be replicated 4 times

  • z – The accumulator

Complex number operations

group Complex


v2s __builtin_pulp_cplxmuls(v2s x, v2s y)

Complex Multiplication, Q15x15 into Q15.

Complex Multiplication, Q15x15 into Q15.

Returns: (v2s) {(signed short) ((((int) (x)[0]*(int) (y)[0]) - ((int) (x)[1]*(int) (y)[1]))>>15), (signed short) ((((int) (x)[0]*(int) (y)[1]) + ((int) (x)[1]*(int) (y)[0]))>>15)}

Available macros:

    gap_cplxmuls(x, x)
    __CPLXMULS(x, x)

  • x – A complex vector, <I,Q>

  • y – A complex vector, <I,Q>

v2s __builtin_pulp_cplxmulsdiv2(v2s x, v2s y)

Complex Multiplication, Q15x15 into Q15 followed by a division by 2.

Complex Multiplication, Q15x15 into Q15 followed by a division by 2.

Returns: (v2s) {((signed short) ((((int) (x)[0]*(int) (y)[0]) - ((int) (x)[1]*(int) (y)[1]))>>15))>>1, ((signed short) ((((int) (x)[0]*(int) (y)[1]) + ((int) (x)[1]*(int) (y)[0]))>>15))>>1}

Available macros:

    gap_cplxmulsdiv2(x, x)
    __CPLXMULSDIV2(x, x)

  • x – A complex vector, <I,Q>

  • y – A complex vector, <I,Q>

v2s __builtin_pulp_cplxmulsdiv4(v2s x, v2s y)

Complex Multiplication, Q15x15 into Q15 followed by a division by 4.

Complex Multiplication, Q15x15 into Q15 followed by a division by 4.

Returns: (v2s) {((signed short) ((((int) (x)[0]*(int) (y)[0]) - ((int) (x)[1]*(int) (y)[1]))>>15))>>2, ((signed short) ((((int) (x)[0]*(int) (y)[1]) + ((int) (x)[1]*(int) (y)[0]))>>15))>>2}

Available macros:

    gap_cplxmulsdiv4(x, x)
    __CPLXMULSDIV4(x, x)

  • x – A complex vector, <I,Q>

  • y – A complex vector, <I,Q>

v2s __builtin_pulp_sub2rotmj(v2s x, v2s y)

Complex substration, result rotated by -pi/2.

Complex substration, result rotated by -pi/2.

Returns: (v2s) {(x)[1]-(y)[1], (y)[0]-(x)[0]}

Available macros:

    gap_sub2rotmj(x, x)
    __SUB2ROTMJ(x, x)

  • x – A complex vector, <I,Q>

  • y – A complex vector, <I,Q>

v2s __builtin_pulp_cplx_conj(v2s x)

Complex conjugate.

Complex conjugate.

Returns: (v2s) {(x)[0], -(x)[1]}

Available macros:

    gap_cplxconf(x, x)
    __CPLXCONJ(x, x)

  • x – A complex vector, <I,Q>


group Simd2and4


v2s __builtin_pulp_pack2(short int x, short int y)

Pack 2 short int into a vector.

Pack 2 short int into a vector

Returns ((v2s) {(signed short) (x), (signed short) (y)}). gcc vector notation.

Available macros:

gap_pack2(x, y);
__PACK2(x, y);

  • x – Argument going to vect[0]

  • y – Argument going to vect[1]

v4s __builtin_pulp_pack4(char x, char y, char z, char t)

Pack 4 bytes into a vector.

Pack 4 bytes into a vector

Returns ((v4s) {(signed char) (x), (signed char) (y), (signed char) (z), (signed char) (t)}). gcc vector notation.

Available macros:

gap_pack4(x, y, z, t);
__PACK4(x, y, z, t);

  • x – Argument going to Vect[0]

  • y – Argument going to Vect[1]

  • z – Argument going to Vect[2]

  • t – Argument going to Vect[3]

v2s __builtin_pulp_shuffleh(v2s x, v2s mask)

Permutes vector elements of x according to positions given in mask (a vector).

Permutes vector elements of x according to positions given in mask (a vector).

Constructs a permutation of elements from input x vector and return a vector of the same type as the input vector. The mask is an integral vector with the same width (W) and element count (N) as the output vector.

The elements of the input vector are numbered in memory ordering beginning at 0. The elements of mask are considered modulo N.

Available macros:

__builtin_shuffle(x, mask)

  • x – A vector of 2 short ints

  • mask – A vector of 2 shorts, member i, in [0..1], states that x[mask[i]] should be the ith member in the ouput vector

v4s __builtin_pulp_shuffleb(v4s x, v4s mask)

Permutes vector elements of x according to positions given in mask (a vector).

Permutes vector elements of x according to positions given in mask (a vector).

Constructs a permutation of elements from input x vector and return a vector of the same type as the input vector. The mask is an integral vector with the same width (W) and element count (N) as the output vector.

The elements of the input vector are numbered in memory ordering beginning at 0. The elements of mask are considered modulo N.

Available macros:

__builtin_shuffle(x, mask)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • mask – A vector of 4 bytes, member i, in [0..3], states that x[mask[i]] should be the ith member in the ouput vector

v2s __builtin_pulp_shuffle2h(v2s x, v2s y, v2s mask)

Picks 2 elements from vectors (x, y) according to positions given in mask (a vector).

Construct a permutation of elements from two vectors and return a vector of the same type as the input vector(s). The mask is an integral vector with the same width (W) and element count (N) as the output vector.

The elements of the input vectors are numbered in memory ordering of vec0 beginning at 0 and vec1 beginning at N. The elements of mask are considered modulo 2*N.

Available macros:

__builtin_shuffle(x, y, mask)

  • x – A vector of 2 short ints

  • y – A vector of 2 short ints

  • mask – A vector of 2 shorts, member i, in [0..3], states that x[mask[i]] (if i<=1) or y[mask[i]] (if i>1) should be the ith member in the ouput vector

v4s __builtin_pulp_shuffle4b(v4s x, v4s y, v4s mask)

Picks 4 elements from vectors (x, y) according to positions given in mask (a vector).

Construct a permutation of elements from two vectors and return a vector of the same type as the input vector(s). The mask is an integral vector with the same width (W) and element count (N) as the output vector.

The elements of the input vectors are numbered in memory ordering of vec0 beginning at 0 and vec1 beginning at N. The elements of mask are considered modulo 2*N.

Available macros:

__builtin_shuffle(x, y, mask)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

  • mask – A vector of 4 bytes, member i, in [0..7], states that x[mask[i]] (if i<=3) or y[mask[i]] (if i>3) should be the ith member in the ouput vector

v2u __builtin_pulp_abs2(v2s x)

Element wise abs on a vector of 2 shorts.

Element wise abs on a vector of 2 shorts.

Returns (v2u) {((x)[0]<0)?-(x)[0]:(x)[0], ((x)[1]<0)?-(x)[1]:(x)[1]}

Available macros:


  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

v4u __builtin_pulp_abs4(v4s x)

Element wise abs on a vector of 4 bytes.

Element wise abs on a vector of 4 bytes.

Returns (v4u) {((x)[0]<0)?-(x)[0]:(x)[0], ((x)[1]<0)?-(x)[1]:(x)[1], ((x)[2]<0)?-(x)[2]:(x)[2], ((x)[3]<0)?-(x)[3]:(x)[3]}

Available macros:


  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

v2u __builtin_pulp_neg2(v2s x)

Element wise unary minus on a vector of 2 shorts.

Element wise unary minus on a vector of 2 shorts.

Returns (v2s) {-(x)[0], -(x)[1]}

Available macros:


  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

v4u __builtin_pulp_neg4(v4s x)

Element wise unary minus on a vector of 4 bytes.

Element wise unary minus on a vector of 4 bytes.

Returns (v4s) {-(x)[0], -(x)[1], -(x)[2], -(x)[3])}

Available macros:


  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

v2s __builtin_pulp_add2(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise addition on a vector of 2 shorts.

Element wise addition on a vector of shorts.

Returns (v2s) {(x)[0]+(y)[0], (x)[1]+(y)[1]}

Available macros:

    gap_add2(x, y)
    __ADD2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v4s __builtin_pulp_add4(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise addition on a vector of 4 bytes.

Element wise addition on a vector of 4 bytes.

Returns (v4s) {(x)[0]+(y)[0], (x)[1]+(y)[1], (x)[2]+(y)[2], (x)[3]+(y)[3]}

Available macros:

    gap_add4(x, y)
    __ADD4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

v2s __builtin_pulp_sub2(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise substraction on a vector of 2 shorts.

Element wise substraction on a vector of shorts.

Returns (v2s) {(x)[0]-(y)[0], (x)[1]-(y)[1]}

Available macros:

    gap_sub2(x, y)
    __SUB2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v4s __builtin_pulp_sub4(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise substraction on a vector of 4 bytes.

Element wise substraction on a vector of 4 bytes.

Returns (v4s) {(x)[0]-(y)[0], (x)[1]-(y)[1], (x)[2]-(y)[2], (x)[3]-(y)[3]}

Available macros:

    gap_sub4(x, y)
    __SUB4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

v2s __builtin_pulp_avg2(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise average on a vector of 2 shorts.

Element wise average on a vector of 2 shorts.

Returns (v2s) {((x)[0]+(y)[0]))>>1, ((x)[1]+(y)[1])>>1}; Addition is performed on 16 bits.

Available macros:

    gap_avg2(x, y)
    __AVG2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v4s __builtin_pulp_avg4(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise average on a vector of 4 bytes.

Element wise average on a vector of 4 bytes.

Returns (v2s) ((v4s) {((x)[0]+(y)[0])>>1, ((x)[1]+(y)[1])>>1, ((x)[2]+(y)[2])>>1, ((x)[3]+(y)[3])>>1}. Addition is performed on 8 bits.

Available macros:

    gap_avg4(x, y)
    __AVG4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

v2u __builtin_pulp_avgu2(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise average on a vector of 2 shorts.

Element wise average on a vector of 2 shorts.

Returns (v2u) {((unsigned short)(x)[0]+(unsigned short)(y)[0])>>1, ((unsigned short)(x)[1]+(unsigned short)(y)[1])>>1}; Addition is performed on 16 bits.

Available macros:

    gap_avgu2(x, y)
    __AVGU2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v4u __builtin_pulp_avgu4(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise unsigned average on a vector of 4 bytes.

Element wise unsigned average on a vector of 4 bytes.

Returns (v4u) {((unsigned char)(x)[0]+(unsigned char)(y)[0])>>1, ((unsigned char)(x)[1]+(unsigned char)(y)[1])>>1, ((unsigned char)(x)[2]+(unsigned char)(y)[2])>>1, ((unsigned char)(x)[3]+(unsigned char)(y)[3])>>1}; Addition is perfomed on 8 bits.

Available macros:

    gap_avgu4(x, y)
    __AVGU4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

v2s __builtin_pulp_min2(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise min on a vector of 2 shorts.

Element wise min on a vector of 2 shorts.

Returns (v2s) {((signed short)(x)[0]<(signed short)(y)[0])?((signed short)(x)[0]):((signed short)(y)[0]), ((signed short)(x)[1]<(signed short)(y)[1])?((signed short)(x)[1]):((signed short)(y)[1])}

Available macros:

    gap_min2(x, y)
    __MIN2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v4s __builtin_pulp_min4(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise min on a vector of 4 bytes.

Element wise min on a vector of 4 bytes.

Returns (v4s) {((signed char)(x)[0]<(signed char)(y)[0])?(signed char)(x)[0]:(signed char)(y)[0], ((signed char)(x)[1]<(signed char)(y)[1])?(signed char)(x)[1]:(signed char)(y)[1], ((signed char)(x)[2]<(signed char)(y)[2])?(signed char)(x)[2]:(signed char)(y)[2], ((signed char)(x)[3]<(signed char)(y)[3])?(signed char)(x)[3]:(signed char)(y)[3]}

Available macros:

    gap_min4(x, y)
    __MIN4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

v2u __builtin_pulp_minu2(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise unsigned min on a vector of 2 shorts.

Element wise unsigned min on a vector of 2 shorts.

Returns (v2u) {((unsigned short)(x)[0]<(unsigned short)(y)[0])?(unsigned short)(x)[0]:(unsigned short)(y)[0], ((unsigned short)(x)[1]<(unsigned short)(y)[1])?(unsigned short)(x)[1]:(unsigned short)(y)[1]}

Available macros:

    gap_minu2(x, y)
    __MINU2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v4u __builtin_pulp_minu4(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise unsigned min on a vector of 4 bytes.

Element wise unsigned min on a vector of 4 bytes.

Returns (v4u) {((unsigned char)(x)[0]<(unsigned char)(y)[0])?(unsigned char)(x)[0]:(unsigned char)(y)[0], ((unsigned char)(x)[1]<(unsigned char)(y)[1])?(unsigned char)(x)[1]:(unsigned char)(y)[1], ((unsigned char)(x)[2]<(unsigned char)(y)[2])?(unsigned char)(x)[2]:(unsigned char)(y)[2], ((unsigned char)(x)[3]<(unsigned char)(y)[3])?(unsigned char)(x)[3]:(unsigned char)(y)[3]}

Available macros:

    gap_minu4(x, y)
    __MINU4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

v2s __builtin_pulp_max2(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise max on a vector of 2 shorts.

Element wise max on a vector of 2 shorts.

Returns (v2s) {((signed short)(x)[0]>(signed short)(y)[0])?((signed short)(x)[0]):((signed short)(y)[0]), ((signed short)(x)[1]>(signed short)(y)[1])?((signed short)(x)[1]):((signed short)(y)[1])}

Available macros:

    gap_max2(x, y)
    __MAX2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v4s __builtin_pulp_max4(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise max on a vector of 4 bytes.

Element wise max on a vector of 4 bytes.

Returns (v4s) {((signed char)(x)[0]>(signed char)(y)[0])?(signed char)(x)[0]:(signed char)(y)[0], ((signed char)(x)[1]>(signed char)(y)[1])?(signed char)(x)[1]:(signed char)(y)[1], ((signed char)(x)[2]>(signed char)(y)[2])?(signed char)(x)[2]:(signed char)(y)[2], ((signed char)(x)[3]>(signed char)(y)[3])?(signed char)(x)[3]:(signed char)(y)[3]}

Available macros:

    gap_max4(x, y)
    __MAX4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

v2u __builtin_pulp_maxu2(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise unsigned max on a vector of 2 shorts.

Element wise unsigned max on a vector of 2 shorts.

Returns (v2u) {((unsigned short)(x)[0]>(unsigned short)(y)[0])?(unsigned short)(x)[0]:(unsigned short)(y)[0], ((unsigned short)(x)[1]>(unsigned short)(y)[1])?(unsigned short)(x)[1]:(unsigned short)(y)[1]}

Available macros:

    gap_maxu2(x, y)
    __MAXU2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v4u __builtin_pulp_maxu4(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise unsigned max on a vector of 4 bytes.

Element wise unsigned max on a vector of 4 bytes.

Returns (v4u) {((unsigned char)(x)[0]>(unsigned char)(y)[0])?(unsigned char)(x)[0]:(unsigned char)(y)[0], ((unsigned char)(x)[1]>(unsigned char)(y)[1])?(unsigned char)(x)[1]:(unsigned char)(y)[1], ((unsigned char)(x)[2]>(unsigned char)(y)[2])?(unsigned char)(x)[2]:(unsigned char)(y)[2], ((unsigned char)(x)[3]>(unsigned char)(y)[3])?(unsigned char)(x)[3]:(unsigned char)(y)[3]}

Available macros:

    gap_maxu4(x, y)
    __MAXU4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

v2s __builtin_pulp_and2(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise bitwise and on a vector of 2 shorts.

Element wise bitwise and on a vector of 2 shorts.

Returns (v2s) {(x)[0]&(y)[0], (x)[1]&(y)[1]}

Available macros:

    gap_and2(x, y)
    __AND2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v4s __builtin_pulp_and4(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise bitwise and on a vector of 4 bytes.

Element wise bitwise and on a vector of 4 bytes.

Returns (v4s) {(x)[0]&(y)[0], (x)[1]&(y)[1], (x)[2]&(y)[2], (x)[3]&(y)[3]}

Available macros:

    gap_and4(x, y)
    __AND4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

v2s __builtin_pulp_or2(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise bitwise or on a vector of 2 shorts.

Element wise bitwise or on a vector of 2 shorts.

Returns (v2s) {(x)[0]|(y)[0], (x)[1]|(y)[1]}

Available macros:

    gap_or2(x, y)
    __OR2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v4s __builtin_pulp_or4(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise bitwise or on a vector of 4 bytes.

Element wise bitwise or on a vector of 4 bytes.

Returns (v4s) {(x)[0]|(y)[0], (x)[1]|(y)[1], (x)[2]|(y)[2], (x)[3]|(y)[3]}

Available macros:

    gap_or4(x, y)
    __OR4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

v2s __builtin_pulp_exor2(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise bitwise exor on a vector of 2 shorts.

Element wise bitwise exor on a vector of 2 shorts.

Returns (v2s) {(x)[0]^(y)[0], (x)[1]^(y)[1]}

Available macros:

    gap_exor2(x, y)
    __EXOR2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v4s __builtin_pulp_exor4(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise bitwise exor on a vector of 4 bytes.

Element wise bitwise exor on a vector of 4 bytes.

Returns (v4s) {(x)[0]^(y)[0], (x)[1]^(y)[1], (x)[2]^(y)[2], (x)[3]^(y)[3]}

Available macros:

    gap_exor4(x, y)
    __EXOR4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

v2u __builtin_pulp_srl2(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise logical shift right on a vector of 2 shorts.

Element wise logical shift right on a vector of 2 shorts.

Returns (v2u) {((unsigned short)(x)[0]>>(unsigned short)(y)[0]), ((unsigned short)(x)[1]>>(unsigned short)(y)[1])}

Available macros:

    gap_srl2(x, y)
    __SRL2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v4u __builtin_pulp_srl4(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise logical shift right on a vector of 4 bytes.

Element wise logical shift right on a vector of 4 bytes.

Returns (v4u) {((unsigned char)(x)[0]>>(unsigned char)(y)[0]), ((unsigned char)(x)[1]>>(unsigned char)(y)[1]), ((unsigned char)(x)[2]>>(unsigned char)(y)[2]), ((unsigned char)(x)[3]>>(unsigned char)(y)[3])}

Available macros:

    gap_srl4(x, y)
    __SRL4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

v2s __builtin_pulp_sra2(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise arithmetic shift right on a vector of 2 shorts.

Element wise arithmetic shift right on a vector of 2 shorts.

Returns (v2s) {((signed short)(x)[0]>>(signed short)(y)[0]), ((signed short)(x)[1]>>(signed short)(y)[1])}

Available macros:

    gap_sra2(x, y)
    __SRA2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v4s __builtin_pulp_sra4(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise arithmetic shift right on a vector of 4 bytes.

Element wise arithmetic shift right on a vector of 4 bytes.

Returns (v4s) {((signed char)(x)[0]>>(signed char)(y)[0]), ((signed char)(x)[1]>>(signed char)(y)[1]), ((signed char)(x)[2]>>(signed char)(y)[2]), ((signed char)(x)[3]>>(signed char)(y)[3])}

Available macros:

    gap_sra4(x, y)
    __SRA4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

v2s __builtin_pulp_sll2(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise logical shift left on a vector of 2 shorts.

Element wise logical shift left on a vector of 2 shorts.

Returns (v2s) {(x)[0]<<(y)[0], (x)[1]<<(y)[1]}

Available macros:

    gap_sll2(x, y)
    __SLL2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v4s __builtin_pulp_sll4(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise logical shift left on a vector of 4 bytes.

Element wise logical shift left on a vector of 4 bytes.

Returns (v4s) {(x)[0]<<(y)[0], (x)[1]<<(y)[1], (x)[2]<<(y)[2], (x)[3]<<(y)[3]}}

Available macros:

    gap_sll4(x, y)
    __SLL4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

v2s __builtin_pulp_add2div2(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise addition on a vector of 2 shorts followed by a division by 2.

Element wise addition on a vector of 2 shorts followed by a division by 2.

Returns ((x)+(y))>>(v2s) {1, 1}

Available macros:

    gap_add2div2(x, y)
    __ADD2DIV2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v2s __builtin_pulp_add2div4(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise addition on a vector of 2 shorts followed by a division by 4.

Element wise addition on a vector of 2 shorts followed by a division by 4.

Returns ((x)+(y))>>(v2s) {2, 2}

Available macros:

    gap_add2div4(x, y)
    __ADD2DIV4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v2s __builtin_pulp_sub2div2(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise substraction on a vector of 2 shorts followed by a division by 2.

Element wise substraction on a vector of 2 shorts followed by a division by 2.

Returns ((x)-(y))>>(v2s) {1, 1}

Available macros:

    gap_sub2div2(x, y)
    __SUB2DIV2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v2s __builtin_pulp_sub2div4(v2s x, v2s y)

Element wise substraction on a vector of 2 shorts followed by a division by 4.

Element wise substraction on a vector of 2 shorts followed by a division by 4.

Returns ((x)-(y))>>(v2s) {2, 2}

Available macros:

    gap_sub2div4(x, y)
    __SUB2DIV4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v4s __builtin_pulp_add4div2(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise addition on a vector of 4 bytes followed by a division by 2.

Element wise addition on a vector of 4 bytes followed by a division by 2.

Returns ((x)+(y))>>(v2s) {1, 1}

Available macros:

    gap_add4div2(x, y)
    __ADD4DIV2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

v4s __builtin_pulp_add4div4(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise addition on a vector of 4 bytes followed by a division by 4.

Element wise addition on a vector of 4 bytes followed by a division by 4.

Returns ((x)+(y))>>(v2s) {2, 2}

Available macros:

    gap_add4div4(x, y)
    __ADD4DIV4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

v4s __builtin_pulp_sub4div2(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise substraction on a vector of 4 bytes followed by a division by 2.

Element wise substraction on a vector of 4 bytes followed by a division by 2.

Returns ((x)-(y))>>(v2s) {1, 1}

Available macros:

    gap_sub4div2(x, y)
    __SUB4DIV2(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

v4s __builtin_pulp_sub4div4(v4s x, v4s y)

Element wise substraction on a vector of 4 bytes followed by a division by 4.

Element wise substraction on a vector of 4 bytes followed by a division by 4.

Returns ((x)-(y))>>(v2s) {2, 2}

Available macros:

    gap_sub4div4(x, y)
    __SUB4DIV4(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 4 bytes

  • y – A vector of 4 bytes

group Viterbi


v2s __builtin_pulp_vitmax2(v2s x, v2s y)

Viterbi maximum. Compare 2 pathes and update special flags accordingly.

Viterbi maximum. Compare 2 pathes and update special flags accordingly.

Returns: (_VitT1_Flag=((x)[1]<=(y)[1])?1:0, _VitT0_Flag=((x)[0]<=(y)[0])?1:0, (v2s) {((x)[0]>(y)[0])?(x)[0]:(y)[0], ((x)[1]>(y)[1])?(x)[1]:(y)[1]})

Available macros:

    gap_vitmax(x, y)
    __VITMAX(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

v2s __builtin_pulp_vitsel2(v2s x, v2s y)

Viterbi select. Using viterbi special flags compute the surviving pathes.

Viterbi select. Using viterbi special flags compute the surviving pathes.

Returns: (v2s) {(_VitT0_Flag?(y)[0]:(x)[0])<<1|_VitT0_Flag, (_VitT1_Flag?(y)[1]:(x)[1])<<1|_VitT1_Flag}

Available macros:

    gap_vitsel(x, y)
    __VITSEL(x, y)

  • x – A vector of 2 shorts

  • y – A vector of 2 shorts

Memory operations

group RWBaseOff


int __builtin_pulp_OffsetedRead(int *base, int off)

Read one int at base + off, off is a byte offset.

Read one int at base + off, off is a byte offset.

Available macros:

    gap_read_base_off_vol(base, off)
    __READ_BASE_OFF_VOL(base, off)

  • base – A pointer

  • off – Byte offset to be added to base, no pointer type promotion

short int __builtin_pulp_OffsetedReadHalf(short int *base, int off)

Read one short int at base + off, off is a byte offset.

Read one short int at base + off, off is a byte offset.

Available macros:

    gap_read_base_off_half_vol(base, off)
    __READ_BASE_OFF_HALF_VOL(base, off)

  • base – A pointer

  • off – Byte offset to be added to base, no pointer type promotion

char __builtin_pulp_OffsetedReadbyte(char *base, int off)

Read one byte at base + off, off is a byte offset.

Read one byte at base + off, off is a byte offset.

Available macros:

    gap_read_base_off_byte_vol(base, off)
    __READ_BASE_OFF_BYTE_VOL(base, off)

  • base – A pointer

  • off – Byte offset to be added to base, no pointer type promotion

void __builtin_pulp_OffsetedWrite(int x, int *base, int off)
  • x – Value to be written

  • base – A pointer

  • off – Byte offset to be added to base, no pointer type promotion

void __builtin_pulp_OffsetedWriteHalf(int x, short int *base, int off)

Write one short int, x, at base + off, off is a byte offset.

Write one short int, x, at base + off, off is a byte offset.

Available macros:

    gap_write_base_off_half_vol(x, base, off)
    __WRITE_BASE_OFF_HALF_VOL(x, base, off)

  • x – Value to be written

  • base – A pointer

  • off – Byte offset to be added to base, no pointer type promotion

void __builtin_pulp_OffsetedWritebyte(int x, char *base, int off)

Write one byte, x, at base + off, off is a byte offset.

Write one byte, x, at base + off, off is a byte offset.

Available macros:

    gap_write_base_off_byte_vol(x, base, off)
    __WRITE_BASE_OFF_BYTE_VOL(x, base, off)

  • x – Value to be written

  • base – A pointer

  • off – Byte offset to be added to base, no pointer type promotion

CSR access

group RWSPR


int __builtin_pulp_spr_read(int spr)

Reads special purpose register spr.

Reads special purpose register spr.

Available macros:


  • spr – Special purpose register number

int __builtin_pulp_spr_read_vol(int spr)

Reads special purpose register spr. Read is volatile.

Reads special purpose register spr. Read is volatile.

Available macros:


  • spr – Special purpose register number

void __builtin_pulp_spr_write(int spr, int x)

Writes x into special purpose register spr.

Writes x into special purpose register spr.

Available macros:

    gap_sprwrite(spr, x)
    __SPRWRITE(spr, x)

  • spr – Special purpose register number

  • x – Value to be written

void __builtin_pulp_spr_bit_set(int spr, int off)

Sets bit off of special purpose register spr. off is immediare in [0..31].

Sets bit off of special purpose register spr. off is immediare in [0..31]

Available macros:

    gap_sprbitset(spr, off)
    __SPRBITSET(spr, off)

  • spr – Special purpose register number

  • off – Bit offset, immediate in [0..31]

void __builtin_pulp_spr_bit_clr(int spr, int off)

Clears bit off of special purpose register spr. off is immediare in [0..31].

Clears bit off of special purpose register spr. off is immediare in [0..31]

Available macros:

    gap_sprbitclr(spr, off)
    __SPRBITCLR(spr, off)

  • spr – Special purpose register number

  • off – Bit offset, immediate in [0..31]

int __builtin_pulp_read_then_spr_write(int spr, int x)

Reads spr special purpose register and then writes x it. Returns the read content.

Reads spr special purpose register and then writes x it. Returns the read content.

Available macros:

    gap_sprreadthenwrite(spr, x)

  • spr – Special purpose register number

  • x – Value to be written

int __builtin_pulp_read_then_spr_bit_set(int spr, int off)

Reads spr special purpose register and then sets bit at position off of spr. off is immediate in [0..31].

Reads spr special purpose register and then sets bit at position off of spr. off is immediate in [0..31].

Available macros:

    gap_sprreadthenbitset(spr, off)

  • spr – Special purpose register number

  • off – Bit offset, immediate in [0..31]

int __builtin_pulp_read_then_spr_bit_clr(int spr, int off)

Reads spr special purpose register and then clears bit at position off of spr. off is immediate in [0..31].

Reads spr special purpose register and then clears bit at position off of spr. off is immediate in [0..31].

Available macros:

    gap_sprreadthenbitclr(spr, off)

  • spr – Special purpose register number

  • off – Bit offset, immediate in [0..31]