group I2C

The I2C driver provides support for transferring data between an external I2C device and the chip running this driver.


typedef struct pi_i2c_conf pi_i2c_conf_t


enum pi_i2c_xfer_flags_e

Properties for I2C transfers.

This is used to specify additional behaviors when transfering data through I2C.


enumerator PI_I2C_XFER_STOP = 0 << 0

Generate a STOP bit at the end of the transfer.

enumerator PI_I2C_XFER_NO_STOP = 1 << 0

Don’t generate a STOP bit at the end of the transfer.

enumerator PI_I2C_XFER_START = 0 << 1

Generate a START bit at the beginning of the transfer.

enumerator PI_I2C_XFER_NO_START = 1 << 1

Don’t generate a START bit at the beginning of the transfer.

enumerator PI_I2C_XFER_RESTART = 1 << 2

Generate a RESTART bit at the beginning of the transfer.

enumerator PI_I2C_XFER_NO_RESTART = 0 << 2

Don’t generate a RESTART bit at the beginning of the transfer.

enum pi_i2c_ioctl_e

Commands for pi_i2c_control.

This is used to tell which command to execute through pi_i2c_control.



Change maximum baudrate.

Param baudrate:

Max baudrate.

enumerator PI_I2C_IOCTL_ABORT_RX = 6

Abort RX transfer.

Abort current RX transfert.

enumerator PI_I2C_IOCTL_ABORT_TX = 7

Abort TX transfer.

Abort current TX transfert.


Attach UDMA timer.

This command attaches a UDMA timer channel to UDMA reception channel.

Param timeout_id:

UDMA timeout channel ID.


Detach UDMA timer.

This command removes a UDMA timer channel attached to UDMA reception channel.

Param timeout_id:

UDMA timeout channel ID.


Attach UDMA timer.

This command attaches a UDMA timer channel to UDMA transmission channel.

Param timeout_id:

UDMA timeout channel ID.


Detach UDMA timer.

This command removes a UDMA timer channel attached to UDMA transmission channel.

Param timeout_id:

UDMA timeout channel ID.

enumerator PI_I2C_IOCTL_EN_TIMESTAMP = 12

Enable the timestamp.

Enable the timestamp feature for the i2c interface.


void pi_i2c_conf_init(pi_i2c_conf_t *conf)

Initialize an I2C configuration with default values.

This function can be called to get default values for all parameters before setting some of them. The structure containing the configuration must be kept alive until the I2C device is opened.

  • conf – A pointer to the I2C configuration.

void pi_i2c_conf_set_slave_addr(struct pi_i2c_conf *conf, uint16_t slave_addr, int8_t is_10_bits)

set slave addr in conf.

  • conf – A pointer to the I2C configuration.

  • slave_addr – Address of the slave device.

  • is_10_bits – Indicate if slave address is 7 bits or 10 bits.

void pi_i2c_conf_set_wait_cycles(struct pi_i2c_conf *conf, uint16_t wait_cycles)

set wait_cycles in conf.

  • conf – A pointer to the I2C configuration.

  • wait_cycles – Number of wait cycles applied at the end of transfer

int32_t pi_i2c_open(struct pi_device *device)

Open an I2C device.

This function must be called before the Hyperbus device can be used. It will do all the needed configuration to make it usable and initialize the handle used to refer to this opened device when calling other functions.

  • device – A pointer to the device structure of the device to open. This structure is allocated by the called and must be kept alive until the device is closed.


0 if the operation is successfull, -1 if there was an error.

void pi_i2c_close(struct pi_device *device)

Close an opened I2C device.

This function can be called to close an opened I2C device once it is not needed anymore, in order to free all allocated resources. Once this function is called, the device is not accessible anymore and must be opened again before being used.

  • device – The device structure of the device to close.

void pi_i2c_ioctl(struct pi_device *device, uint32_t cmd, void *arg)

Dynamically change the device configuration.

This function can be called to change part of the device configuration after it has been opened.

  • device – A pointer to the structure describing the device.

  • cmd – The command which specifies which parameters of the driver to modify and for some of them also their values. The command must be one of those defined in pi_i2c_ioctl_e.

  • arg – An additional value which is required for some parameters when they are set.

int32_t pi_i2c_read(struct pi_device *device, uint8_t *rx_buff, int32_t length, pi_i2c_xfer_flags_e flags)

Enqueue a burst read copy from the I2C (from I2C device to chip).

This function can be used to read at least 1 byte of data from the I2C device. The copy will make a synchronous transfer between the I2C and one of the chip memory. The caller is blocked until the transfer is finished. Depending on the chip, there may be some restrictions on the memory which can be used. Check the chip-specific documentation for more details.

  • device – A pointer to the structure describing the device.

  • rx_buff – The address in the chip where the received data must be written.

  • length – The size in bytes of the copy.

  • flags – Specify additional transfer behaviors like start and stop bits management.


PI_OK if request is successful PI_ERR_I2C_NACK if a NACK was received during the request

int32_t pi_i2c_write(struct pi_device *device, uint8_t *tx_data, int32_t length, pi_i2c_xfer_flags_e flags)

Enqueue a burst write copy to the I2C (from chip to I2C device).

This function can be used to write at least 1 byte of data to the I2C device. The copy will make a synchronous transfer between the I2C and one of the chip memory. The caller is blocked until the transfer is finished. Depending on the chip, there may be some restrictions on the memory which can be used. Check the chip-specific documentation for more details.

  • device – A pointer to the structure describing the device.

  • tx_data – The address in the chip where the data to be sent is read.

  • length – The size in bytes of the copy.

  • flags – Specify additional transfer behaviors like start and stop bits management.


PI_OK if request is successful PI_ERR_I2C_NACK if a NACK was received during the request

void pi_i2c_write_read(struct pi_device *device, void *tx_buffer, void *rx_buffer, uint32_t tx_size, uint32_t rx_size)
void pi_i2c_write_dual(struct pi_device *device, void *tx_buffer0, void *tx_buffer1, uint32_t tx_size0, uint32_t tx_size1)
void pi_i2c_read_async(struct pi_device *device, uint8_t *rx_buff, int length, pi_i2c_xfer_flags_e flags, pi_evt_t *task)

Enqueue an asynchronous burst read copy from the I2C (from I2C device to chip).

This function can be used to read at least 1 byte of data from the I2C device. The copy will make an asynchronous transfer between the I2C and one of the chip memory. A task must be specified in order to specify how the caller should be notified when the transfer is finished. The task will contain the request status (success or error). It should be retrieved using the pi_i2c_get_request_status function. Depending on the chip, there may be some restrictions on the memory which can be used. Check the chip-specific documentation for more details.

  • device – A pointer to the structure describing the device.

  • rx_buff – The address in the chip where the received data must be written.

  • length – The size in bytes of the copy.

  • flags – Specify additional transfer behaviors like start and stop bits management.

  • task – The task used to notify the end of transfer. See the documentation of pi_evt_t for more details.

void pi_i2c_write_async(struct pi_device *device, uint8_t *tx_data, int length, pi_i2c_xfer_flags_e flags, pi_evt_t *task)

Enqueue a burst write copy to the I2C (from chip to I2C device).

This function can be used to write at least 1 byte of data to the I2C device. The copy will make an asynchronous transfer between the I2C and one of the chip memory. A task must be specified in order to specify how the caller should be notified when the transfer is finished. The task will contain the request status (success or error). It should be retrieved using the pi_i2c_get_request_status function. Depending on the chip, there may be some restrictions on the memory which can be used. Check the chip-specific documentation for more details.

  • device – A pointer to the structure describing the device.

  • tx_data – The address in the chip where the data to be sent is read.

  • length – The size in bytes of the copy

  • flags – Specify additional transfer behaviors like start and stop bits management.

  • task – The task used to notify the end of transfer. See the documentation of pi_evt_t for more details.

void pi_i2c_write_read_async(struct pi_device *device, void *tx_buffer, void *rx_buffer, uint32_t tx_size, uint32_t rx_size, pi_evt_t *callback)
void pi_i2c_write_dual_async(struct pi_device *device, void *tx_buffer0, void *tx_buffer1, uint32_t tx_size0, uint32_t tx_size1, pi_evt_t *callback)
int32_t pi_i2c_read_timeout(struct pi_device *device, uint8_t *rx_buff, int32_t length, pi_i2c_xfer_flags_e flags, uint32_t timeout_us)

Enqueue an asynchronous burst read copy from the I2C (from I2C device to chip), with timeout.

This function has the same behaviour as pi_i2c_read(), with timeout. This timeout value is used to abort/cancel a transfer when timeout is reached.


To use this feature, a UDMA timeout channel must be allocated before a call to this functions :


To use this feature asynchronously, proceed as follows :

  • device – Pointer to the structure describing the device.

  • rx_buff – Address in the chip where the received data must be written.

  • length – Size in bytes of the copy.

  • flags – Specify additional transfer behaviors like start and stop bits management.

  • timeout_us – Timeout value in us.

int32_t pi_i2c_write_timeout(struct pi_device *device, uint8_t *tx_data, int32_t length, pi_i2c_xfer_flags_e flags, uint32_t timeout_us)

Enqueue a burst write copy to the I2C (from chip to I2C device), with timeout.

This function has the same behaviour as pi_i2c_write(), with timeout. This timeout value is used to abort/cancel a transfer when timeout is reached.


To use this feature, a UDMA timeout channel must be allocated before a call to this functions :


To use this feature asynchronously, proceed as follows :

  • device – Pointer to the structure describing the device.

  • tx_data – Address in the chip where the data to be sent is read.

  • length – Size in bytes of the copy

  • flags – Specify additional transfer behaviors like start and stop bits management.

  • timeout_us – Timeout value in us.

int pi_i2c_get_request_status(pi_evt_t *task)

get the request status from a task

This function can be used to retrieve the request status from a task.


in order to be able to retrieve the request status you need to pass a pointer to the task as the first callback argument. You can use next arguments as you please.

  • task – the task to retrieve the status from


PI_OK if the request was successful PI_ERR_I2C_NACK if a NACK was received during the request

int32_t pi_i2c_detect(struct pi_device *device, struct pi_i2c_conf *conf, uint8_t *rx_data)

Scan i2c bus to detect a dev.

This function can be used to detect if a device is connected to the i2c bus. The pi_i2c_conf_t structure is used to pass the address of the device to look for, with different baudrate if needed.

  • device – Pointer to device structure.

  • conf – Conf struct holding address and baudrate.

  • rx_data – Pointer to 1 Byte buffer to store data.

Return values:
  • 0x00 – If a device has been detected at given address.

  • 0xFF – Otherwise.

struct pi_i2c_conf
#include <i2c.h>

I2C master configuration structure.

This structure is used to pass the desired I2C configuration to the runtime when opening a device.

Public Members

uint8_t itf

Specifies on which I2C interface the device is connected.

uint16_t cs

i2c slave address (7 or 10 bits), the runtime will take care of the LSB of read and write.

uint32_t max_baudrate

Maximum baudrate for the I2C bitstream which can be used with the opened device .

uint8_t ts_ch

Enable the timestamp on TX (0) or RX (1)

uint8_t ts_evt_id

UDMA Config Event ID for generating the timestamp