Command Line Usage (DEPRECATED)


The command line is not anymore developed, some of the newest feature are only implemented for the API mode. NNTool Python API Introduction

To open NNTool in a command line interactive interface, after sourcing the GAP SDK:


Open a Model

As mentioned above, the model can be .tflite or .onnx, the -q option allows the user to load the quantization information already present in some tflite model (only if the tflite flatbuffer has been converted with quantization oprions)

open path/to/model.tflite [-q]

Visualize the Graph

At any time, the graph can be visualized with:

    # Render the graph in a single image
    # Display the structure of the graph in a literal way
    # Display the quantization structure of the graph in a literal way

Adjust and Fusions

To match the Autotiler Generators the structure of the graph might need a restructure, for example the convolutions by default are handled in CHW tensor order by the backend library of Autotiler, hence the adjust reorders the tensors to match the Autotiler backend. Also, some layer sequences can be merged together to be more efficient in the finel target, i.e. Conv+Pool+ReLU can be a single node: fusions spots those structures. According to the type of quantization you want to apply, the set of fusions can change:

  • scale8: for 8 bits scaled quantization (both SW or NE16) and Float16

  • pow2: for 16 bits POW2 quantization

fusions [--scale8 or --pow2]

If the graph contains standalone piecewise DSP operations such as div/mul/add/pow/sqrt/log NNTool can also wrap them in fused structures and will generate specific layers for them. This last step is not automatically run, if required it will be prompted in further steps:

fusions -a expression_matcher

NNTool Inference

In the following sections will be presented several commands that use the NNtool inference engine. Any time the user run inference on NNTool over inputs coming from files, he/she must be sure that the input shapes match the graph inputs, i.e. if the network has been adjusted to CHW input should match this order. Inputs can be numpy tensor, images (opened with Pillow), binary (.dat) or audio files (.wav).

NOTE: Regardless the type of inference (quantized or float), NNTool expects data in their floating point real representation, i.e. if a network has been trained with images normalized to [-1:1] the data must be normalized as well before feeding NNTool.

To make this input preprocessing more useful from user perspective (especially with images where they natively come in [0:255] format) there are these options:

    -B, --bit_shift BIT_SHIFT
        # shift input before offset and divisor. Negative for right shift.
    -D, --divisor DIVISOR
        # divide all input data by this value
    -O, --offset OFFSET
        # offset all input data by this value
    -H, --height HEIGHT
        # resieze image height to this value
    -W, --width WIDTH
        # resieze image width this value
    -T, --transpose
        # Used only on images, it swap the channels position (from CHW to HWC or viceversa)
    -F, --nptype
        # Interpret pixels as this numpy type
    -M, --mode {1, L, P, RGB, RGBA, CMYK, YCbCr, LAB, HSV, I, F}
        # mode to import image in
    -N, --norm_func "x:x/128"
        # lambda function to apply on input in the form x: fn(x)
        # convert 3 channel 8bits input into 1 channel 16bit rgb565

These options can be also set on the entire shell, thus they will be applied without having to specify every time:

set image_height HEIGHT
    # resieze image height to this value
set image_mode {1, L, P, RGB, RGBA, CMYK, YCbCr, LAB, HSV, I, F}
    # mode to import image in
set image_width WIDTH
    # resieze image width this value
set input_divisor DIVISOR
    # divide all input data by this value
set input_norm_func "x:x/128"
    # lambda function to apply on input in the form x: fn(x)
set input_offset OFFSET
    # offset all input data by this value


To quantize the Model, NNTool uses a numpy float32 backed to run inference on the graph and collect the tensors statistic (min/max). If the original graph was a TFLite quantized model, these information have been collected at loading time.

With these information NNTool uses an algorithm to propagate the quantization information through the graph, for example it handles the fact that a concat layer needs to have the same quantization in all its inputs.

At this stage the user can also choose different types of executions, this might affect the quantization types, i.e. NE16 requires asymmetric unsigned 8 bits while SW symmetric signed 8 bits. The type of execution can be selected graph-wise or layer-wise giving the graph step numbers related to the nodes the user wants to quantize in a certain way.

        --scheme  {SQ8, POW2, FLOAT}
            # quantize with scaling factors
            # (TFlite quantization-like) [default] or POW2
        --float_type {bfloat16, float16, ieee16, float32, ieee32}
            # If scheme=FLOAT it selects the type of datatype
            # Use HWC SW Kernel instead of CHW (only with SQ8)
            # Enable use of NE16 kernels (if supported)
        --weight_bits {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
            # (Only available on NE16 layers)
        --force_external_size {8, 16}
            # number of bits to use for outputs features and RNN states
            # (only available in NE16)
        --force_input_size {8, 16}
            # number of bits to use for input features
            # (only available in NE16)
            # make the output scale8 8 bits (default 16bits)
            # Clipping method for any node that modifies its input:
            #    none (default) - the minimum and maximum observed values are used.
            #    laplace, gaus - Values chosen based on laplace or gaussian distribution
            #    mix - MSE is used to estimate if distribution is laplace or gaussian
            #    whiskers - 1.5 * inter quartile range
            #    std3, std5 - 3 or 5 times standard deviation from mean
aquant path/to/calibration/samples* [INPUT_OPTIONS] [QUANT_OPTIONS]
        --json JSON_PATH
            # Quant options can be stored in a json dictionary and provided here
        --stats STATS_PATH
            # Instead of running calibration in nntool, statistics can be
            # passed as a pickle

# If no calibration data are available or the target quantization is float (no statistic needed)

If the model is already quantized, i.e. the statistics are already in the graph, the user can change the quantization options with:

qtune --step STEP KEY1=VALUE1 KEY2=VALUE2 [...]
            # STEP: single step, a set of steps or a range to which apply
            # following QUANT_OPTIONS:
            # --step 1 use_ne16=True force_external_size=16
            # --step 2,3 hwc=True
            # --step 4:-1 use_ne16=True
            # or to apply to the whole graph:
            # --step * use_ne16=True
        --json JSON_PATH
            # Quant options can be stored in a json dictionary and provided here

To save the current quantization options in a dictionary and later manually edit and pass to qtune or aquant –json:

qtunesave --json JSON_PATH

NOTE: after running qtune/aquant might be necessary to run adjust/fusions again (the tensor order might be changed)

Run Inference and Compare

Once the model has been quantized the user can run inference with a bit accurate quantized backend with respect to the platform execution. In this way the user can assert any accuracy drop in the quantization process.

dump path/to/files* [INPUT_OPTIONS]
        # Quantized mode (without -q it runs float32)
        # if quantized mode: dequantize the results such that
        # they are represented in the real space
        -S TENSOR_NAME
        # save the results in the workspace with TENSOR_NAME
        # save the results in a pickle file

qerror path/to/files* [INPUT_OPTIONS]
        # Automatically run in float and quantized and
        # compares layer by layer statistics

# To compare two set of dump runs manually (i.e. float vs quantized)
        -s 10
        # To compare outputs of step 10, otherwise all
        # QSNR
        # Absolute error

If the model has been generated with the Autotiler graph option DUMP_TENSOR, the log of the run will contain the outputs of the layers. NNTool can load the so dumped tensors with:

tensors --gap_load path/to/logfile.txt

Attach Special Nodes in front of the Model

Sometimes you want to apply standard operations to the input of a network which prepare the data coming from a sensor to the input of the NN. NNTool supports few of these possible input preprocessors: imageformat: attach a layer that can do image transposition HWC -> CHW on the cluster with offset -128 in int8 or automatically output 16bits, useful in POW2 16bits models resize: attach a resizer to the input of the network, useful for example if the network is trained with HxW images but the sensor uses IN_HxIN_W

imageformat INPUT_NODE
                # Node to attach the formatter
            IN_FORMAT {bw16, bw8, rgb16, rgb565_rgb888, rgb888}
                # Data Type coming in
            NORMALIZATION {offset_int8, out_int16, shift_int8}
                # Operation applied to each op:
                #    - offset_int8: subtracts 128 to every pixel [0:255]->[-128:127]
                #    - out_int16: outputs int16 data
                #    - shift_int8: shift >>1 every pixel: [0:255]->[0:127]

input_resizer INPUT_NODE
                # Node to attach the resizer
              RESIZER_TYPE {bilinear, nearest}
                # Algo used by the resizer
              --from_w IN_W
              --from_h IN_H
                # Width and Height of the original input resized to the INPUT_NODE shape

AUDIO DSP: dsp_preprocessing: attach a DSP preprocessing which can be of type Mfcc or RFFT. It computes the operation to overlapped windows of the inputs. NOTE: The Mfcc can do melspectrogram/logmelspectrogram/mfcc but no normalization is applied to the output of the DSP node. If needed it should be included as part of the model after the input.

    "window": "hanning",        # Window numpy function
    "pad_type": "center",       # How to apply padding if frame_size < n_fft
    "n_fft": 512,               # Number of FFT bins
    "n_frames": 401,            # Number of frames (it must match the graph input size)
    "frame_size": 512,          # Number of samples in each frame
    "window_size": 400,         # Number of samples for the window function (if < frame_size the window will be center padded)
    "frame_step": 160,          # Number of samples between two consecutive frames
    "sample_rate": 16000,       # Samplerate
    "magsquared": True,         # If True, the spectrogram is calculated as np.abs(rfft) ** 2, else np.abs(rfft)
    "n_fbanks": 128,            # Number of Mel Filterbanks (ignored when dsp_node_type=="fft")
    "fbank_type": "librosa",    # Algorithm used to generate the Mel Filters
    "mel_filterbanks_file": None, # Path to melfilters .npy array provided by user, in this case fbank_type will be ignored
    "n_dct": 0,                 # Number of DCT bins in case of Mfcc preprocessing
    "dct_type": 2,              # DCT algorithm type
    "fmin": 0.0,                # Fmin used to calculate the Mel Filters
    "fmax": None,               # Fmax used to calculate the Mel Filters
    "log_type": "natural",       # Logarithm type ("None", "db" or "natural"), None will output melspectrogram
    "log_offset": 1e-6          # Offset applied before log function

dsp_preprocessing INPUT_NODE
                    # Node to Attach the DSP node
                  {MFCCPreprocessingParameters, RFFT2DPreprocessingParameters}
                    # Type of preprocessing
                  --config_json logmel_config.json
                    # Config file with all the parameters

The code above emulates the librosa equivalent of:

import librosa
melspect = librosa.feature.melspectrogram(y=audio,
                                          center=False # This is important to not pad the whole audio input
logmelspect = np.log(melspect + 1e-6)

HINT: If using GAP9 the preprocessing in float16 is equally fast in terms execution time as the fixed point, hence we suggest to qtune this layer to be float16 to get better accuracy:

qtune --step MfccPreprocessing scheme=float float_type=float32

NOTE: This feature is advanced and might not work in every possible configuration. To have a more flexible feature we suggest to use directly the autotiler Generator for MFCC/RFFT. You can find examples in the sdk/examples

Save NNTool State

After several commands are run, you can save the nntool state in a json file. Save the state of the transforms and quantization of the graph. This state file can be used to generate the model file as part of a build script. If no argument is given then the state files will be saved in the same directory as the graph. If a directory is given then the state files will be saved in it with the graph basename. If a filename is given, its basename will be used to save the state files.

save_state FILE

It basically saves the sequence of commands run and the quantization statistics.

Generate Autotiler Code

Once the model has been quantized and fused, the Autotiler model can be generated:

        -t, --output_tensors
        # write constants (weights, biases)
        -T, --tensor_directory TENSOR_DIRECTORY
        # path to tensor directory. full path will be created
        # if it doesn't exist. If this parameter is given it
        # willupdate the settings saved with the graph state.
        -M, --model_directory MODEL_DIRECTORY
        # path to model directory. full path will be created
        # if it doesn't exist. If this parameter is given it
        # will update the settings saved with the graph state.
        --basic_kernel_source_file BASIC_KERNEL_SOURCE_FILE
        # file to write to, otherwise output to terminal
        --basic_kernel_header_file BASIC_KERNEL_HEADER_FILE
        # file to write to, otherwise output to terminal

Scripting Mode

All the commands to prepare a graph for Autotiler can be stored in a script file and run with:

nntool -s nntool_script

To generate the code directly from an nntool state:

nntool -g AT_MODEL_PATH
        -M, --model_directory MODEL_DIRECTORY
        # path to model directory. full path will be created
        # if it doesn't exist. If this parameter is given it
        # will update the settings saved with the graph state.
        -m AT_MODEL_NAME
        # file name for autotiler model
        # path to tensor directory. full path will be created
        # if it doesn't exist.

After having prepared the graph with some commands, the NNTool can also generate a sample project, with all files dependencies and a simple main application which runs on the platform the model with unset input data. The model used in the project generated will be prepared with a script written from the history of the current NNTool shell:

gen_profect PROJECT_FOLDER
            -o, --overwrite
            # overwrite existing files

Similarly the performance command will generate a project and run the application from the python interface, getting performance results out of gvsoc run:


Autotiler Optimization options

NOTE: All the following options can be manually overwritten in the generated Autotiler Model. They don’t affect anyhow the NNTool execution.

Node Options:

nodeoption STEP OPTION=VAL


  • PARALLELFEATURES: In CHW mode convolution can be selected in with parallelization done in the features (default) or spatial dimension

  • ALLOCATE: input/output can be allocated in memory by the autotiler. This will spare L2 memory for other data in the application

  • TILEORIENTATION: tile computed vertically or horizontally (default)

Graph Options:

set graph_const_exec_from_flash true/false
    # If on, constant symbols executes from home location
set graph_dump_one_node NODE_NAME
    # Trace one specific graph node (name of the autotiler not NNTool)
set graph_dump_tensor NUM
    # {4: output, 6: input and output, 7: input, output, constants}
    # Trace selected tensors arguments at inference time, either all nodes or selected node
set graph_monitor_cvar_name NAME
    # When monitor cycles is on name of the C var array to receive results
set graph_monitor_cycles true/false
    # Enable automatic cycle capture for each node of the graph
set graph_name NAME
    # name of the graph used for code generation
set graph_noinline_node true/false
    # If on, all user kernel function are marked as noinline
    # In case a symbol must be allocated in L3 for execution this is the prefered memory
    # For constant symbols which L3 flash prefered memory
set graph_produce_node_cvar_name true/false
    # When producing node names is on name of the C array receiving the names as strings
set graph_produce_node_names true/false
    # Enable production of an array containing the name of each graph node
set graph_produce_operinfos true/false
    # Enable production of number of macs for each layer
set graph_produce_operinfos_cvar_name true/false
    # When Number of oper Infos is on name of the C array receiving mac infos for each node
set graph_reorder_constant_in true/false
    # Enable reodering of constant inputs in order to transform 2D accesses into 1D accesses
set graph_size_opt OPT
    # 0: Default make opt, 1: O2 for all layers, Os for xtor,dxtor,runner, 2: Os for layers and  xtor,dxtor,runner
set graph_trace_exec true/false
    # Enable trace of activity
set graph_warm_construct true/false
    # Generate construct/destruct functions with the Warm option to only allocate/deallocate L1 buffer

Memory Options:

set l1_size BYTE_SIZE
set l2_size BYTE_SIZE
set l3_size BYTE_SIZE
set l3_flash_mb MBYTE_SIZE
    # Set the different memory levels size, used to generate the default Autotiler model Memories.
    # All of them can be overriden when calling the Autotiler
set l2_ram_ext_managed true/false
    # Wether to let the autotiler allocate the L2 buffer by itself, in the model constructor (default: true)
set l3_flash_device {AT_MEM_L3_HRAM, AT_MEM_L3_OSPIRAM, AT_MEM_L3_QSPIRAM}
    # Which type of device will be used for the read/write memory level 3 device in the model. It will change the used driver to open the L3 RAM (default: AT_MEM_L3_HRAM)
set l3_flash_ext_managed true/false
    # Wether to let the autotiler open the external L3 Flash and allocate the L3 Flash buffer by itself or the user will have to do it in the application, in the model constructor (default: true)
    # Which type of device will be used for the read-only memory level 3 device in the model. It will change the used driver to open the L3 FLASH (default: AT_MEM_L3_HFLASH)
set l3_ram_ext_managed true/false
    # Wether to let the autotiler open the external L3 and allocate the L3 buffer by itself or the user will have to do it in the application, in the model constructor (default: true)
set default_input_exec_location {AT_MEM_L2, AT_MEM_L3_HRAM, AT_MEM_L3_OSPIRAM, AT_MEM_L3_QSPIRAM,AT_MEM_L3_DEFAULTRAM}
    # Where the autotiler should assume the input to be executed from (default: AT_MEM_L2)
set default_input_home_location {AT_MEM_L2, AT_MEM_L3_HRAM, AT_MEM_L3_OSPIRAM, AT_MEM_L3_QSPIRAM,AT_MEM_L3_DEFAULTRAM}
    # Where the autotiler should assume the input to be located to (default: AT_MEM_L2)
set default_output_exec_location {AT_MEM_L2, AT_MEM_L3_HRAM, AT_MEM_L3_OSPIRAM, AT_MEM_L3_QSPIRAM,AT_MEM_L3_DEFAULTRAM}
    # Where the autotiler should assume the output to be executed from (default: AT_MEM_L2)
set default_output_home_location {AT_MEM_L2, AT_MEM_L3_HRAM, AT_MEM_L3_OSPIRAM, AT_MEM_L3_QSPIRAM,AT_MEM_L3_DEFAULTRAM}
    # Where the autotiler should assume the output to be located to (default: AT_MEM_L2)