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Catch Namespace Reference



Data Structures

struct  CaseSensitive
class  NonCopyable
struct  SourceLineInfo
struct  StreamEndStop
struct  RegistrarForTagAliases
struct  ITestInvoker
struct  ITestCaseRegistry
class  StringRef
 A non-owning string class (similar to the forthcoming std::string_view) Note that, because a StringRef may be a substring of another string, it may not be null terminated. c_str() must return a null terminated string, however, and so the StringRef will internally take ownership (taking a copy), if necessary. In theory this ownership is not externally visible - but it does mean (substring) StringRefs should not be shared between threads. More...
struct  is_unique
struct  is_unique< T0, T1, Rest...>
struct  TypeList
struct  append
struct  append< L1< E1...>, L2< E2...> >
struct  append< L1< E1...>, L2< E2...>, Rest...>
struct  rewrap
struct  rewrap< Container, List< elems...> >
struct  rewrap< Container, List< Elems...>, Elements...>
struct  combine
struct  always_false
class  TestInvokerAsMethod
struct  NameAndTags
struct  AutoReg
struct  ResultWas
struct  ResultDisposition
struct  AssertionInfo
struct  IStream
class  ReusableStringStream
struct  StringMaker
struct  StringMaker< std::string >
struct  StringMaker< char const * >
struct  StringMaker< char * >
struct  StringMaker< std::wstring >
struct  StringMaker< wchar_t const * >
struct  StringMaker< wchar_t * >
struct  StringMaker< char[SZ]>
struct  StringMaker< signed char[SZ]>
struct  StringMaker< unsigned char[SZ]>
struct  StringMaker< int >
struct  StringMaker< long >
struct  StringMaker< long long >
struct  StringMaker< unsigned int >
struct  StringMaker< unsigned long >
struct  StringMaker< unsigned long long >
struct  StringMaker< bool >
struct  StringMaker< char >
struct  StringMaker< signed char >
struct  StringMaker< unsigned char >
struct  StringMaker< std::nullptr_t >
struct  StringMaker< float >
struct  StringMaker< double >
struct  StringMaker< T * >
struct  StringMaker< R C::* >
struct  not_this_one
struct  is_range
struct  StringMaker< R, typename std::enable_if< is_range< R >::value &&!::Catch::Detail::IsStreamInsertable< R >::value >::type >
struct  StringMaker< T[SZ]>
struct  ITransientExpression
class  BinaryExpr
class  UnaryExpr
class  ExprLhs
struct  Decomposer
struct  IResultCapture
struct  TestFailureException
class  LazyExpression
struct  AssertionReaction
class  AssertionHandler
struct  MessageInfo
struct  MessageStream
struct  MessageBuilder
class  ScopedMessage
class  Capturer
struct  Counts
struct  Totals
struct  SectionInfo
struct  SectionEndInfo
class  Timer
class  Section
class  BenchmarkLooper
struct  IRegistryHub
struct  IMutableRegistryHub
struct  IExceptionTranslator
struct  IExceptionTranslatorRegistry
class  ExceptionTranslatorRegistrar
struct  StringMaker< Catch::Detail::Approx >
struct  pluralise
class  MatchExpr
struct  IGeneratorTracker
class  GeneratorException
struct  IContext
struct  IMutableContext
struct  WarnAbout
struct  ShowDurations
struct  RunTests
struct  UseColour
struct  WaitForKeypress
struct  IConfig
struct  TestCaseInfo
class  TestCase
struct  IRunner


using IReporterFactoryPtr = std::shared_ptr< IReporterFactory >
using exceptionTranslateFunction ) = std::string(*)(
using ExceptionTranslators = std::vector< std::unique_ptr< IExceptionTranslator const >>
using StringMatcher = Matchers::Impl::MatcherBase< std::string >
using IConfigPtr = std::shared_ptr< IConfig const >


enum  Verbosity


unsigned int rngSeed ()
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, SourceLineInfo const &info)
template<typename T >
T const & operator+ (T const &value, StreamEndStop)
bool matchTest (TestCase const &testCase, TestSpec const &testSpec, IConfig const &config)
std::vector< TestCasefilterTests (std::vector< TestCase > const &testCases, TestSpec const &testSpec, IConfig const &config)
std::vector< TestCase > const & getAllTestCasesSorted (IConfig const &config)
auto operator+ (StringRef const &lhs, StringRef const &rhs) -> std::string
auto operator+ (StringRef const &lhs, char const *rhs) -> std::string
auto operator+ (char const *lhs, StringRef const &rhs) -> std::string
auto operator+= (std::string &lhs, StringRef const &sr) -> std::string &
auto operator<< (std::ostream &os, StringRef const &sr) -> std::ostream &
auto operator""_sr (char const *rawChars, std::size_t size) noexcept-> StringRef
auto makeTestInvoker (void(*testAsFunction)()) noexcept-> ITestInvoker *
template<typename C >
auto makeTestInvoker (void(C::*testAsMethod)()) noexcept-> ITestInvoker *
bool isOk (ResultWas::OfType resultType)
bool isJustInfo (int flags)
ResultDisposition::Flags operator| (ResultDisposition::Flags lhs, ResultDisposition::Flags rhs)
bool shouldContinueOnFailure (int flags)
bool isFalseTest (int flags)
bool shouldSuppressFailure (int flags)
std::ostream & cout ()
std::ostream & cerr ()
std::ostream & clog ()
auto makeStream (StringRef const &filename) -> IStream const *
template<typename Range >
std::string rangeToString (Range const &range)
template<typename Allocator >
std::string rangeToString (std::vector< bool, Allocator > const &v)
void formatReconstructedExpression (std::ostream &os, std::string const &lhs, StringRef op, std::string const &rhs)
template<typename LhsT , typename RhsT >
auto compareEqual (LhsT const &lhs, RhsT const &rhs) -> bool
template<typename T >
auto compareEqual (T *const &lhs, int rhs) -> bool
template<typename T >
auto compareEqual (T *const &lhs, long rhs) -> bool
template<typename T >
auto compareEqual (int lhs, T *const &rhs) -> bool
template<typename T >
auto compareEqual (long lhs, T *const &rhs) -> bool
template<typename LhsT , typename RhsT >
auto compareNotEqual (LhsT const &lhs, RhsT &&rhs) -> bool
template<typename T >
auto compareNotEqual (T *const &lhs, int rhs) -> bool
template<typename T >
auto compareNotEqual (T *const &lhs, long rhs) -> bool
template<typename T >
auto compareNotEqual (int lhs, T *const &rhs) -> bool
template<typename T >
auto compareNotEqual (long lhs, T *const &rhs) -> bool
void handleExpression (ITransientExpression const &expr)
template<typename T >
void handleExpression (ExprLhs< T > const &expr)
IResultCapturegetResultCapture ()
void handleExceptionMatchExpr (AssertionHandler &handler, std::string const &str, StringRef const &matcherString)
auto getCurrentNanosecondsSinceEpoch () -> uint64_t
auto getEstimatedClockResolution () -> uint64_t
IRegistryHub const & getRegistryHub ()
IMutableRegistryHubgetMutableRegistryHub ()
void cleanUp ()
std::string translateActiveException ()
bool startsWith (std::string const &s, std::string const &prefix)
bool startsWith (std::string const &s, char prefix)
bool endsWith (std::string const &s, std::string const &suffix)
bool endsWith (std::string const &s, char suffix)
bool contains (std::string const &s, std::string const &infix)
void toLowerInPlace (std::string &s)
std::string toLower (std::string const &s)
std::string trim (std::string const &str)
bool replaceInPlace (std::string &str, std::string const &replaceThis, std::string const &withThis)
void handleExceptionMatchExpr (AssertionHandler &handler, StringMatcher const &matcher, StringRef const &matcherString)
template<typename ArgT , typename MatcherT >
auto makeMatchExpr (ArgT const &arg, MatcherT const &matcher, StringRef const &matcherString) -> MatchExpr< ArgT, MatcherT >
void throw_exception (std::exception const &e)
IMutableContextgetCurrentMutableContext ()
IContextgetCurrentContext ()
void cleanUpContext ()
TestCase makeTestCase (ITestInvoker *testCase, std::string const &className, NameAndTags const &nameAndTags, SourceLineInfo const &lineInfo)


not_this_one begin (...)
not_this_one end (...)

Typedef Documentation

using Catch::exceptionTranslateFunction = typedef std::string(*)(
using Catch::ExceptionTranslators = typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<IExceptionTranslator const>>
typedef std::shared_ptr< IConfig const > Catch::IConfigPtr
using Catch::IReporterFactoryPtr = typedef std::shared_ptr<IReporterFactory>
using Catch::StringMatcher = typedef Matchers::Impl::MatcherBase<std::string>

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum Catch::Verbosity

Function Documentation

std::ostream& Catch::cerr ( )
void Catch::cleanUp ( )
void Catch::cleanUpContext ( )
std::ostream& Catch::clog ( )
template<typename LhsT , typename RhsT >
auto Catch::compareEqual ( LhsT const &  lhs,
RhsT const &  rhs 
) -> bool
template<typename T >
auto Catch::compareEqual ( T *const &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) -> bool
template<typename T >
auto Catch::compareEqual ( T *const &  lhs,
long  rhs 
) -> bool
template<typename T >
auto Catch::compareEqual ( int  lhs,
T *const &  rhs 
) -> bool
template<typename T >
auto Catch::compareEqual ( long  lhs,
T *const &  rhs 
) -> bool
template<typename LhsT , typename RhsT >
auto Catch::compareNotEqual ( LhsT const &  lhs,
RhsT &&  rhs 
) -> bool
template<typename T >
auto Catch::compareNotEqual ( T *const &  lhs,
int  rhs 
) -> bool
template<typename T >
auto Catch::compareNotEqual ( T *const &  lhs,
long  rhs 
) -> bool
template<typename T >
auto Catch::compareNotEqual ( int  lhs,
T *const &  rhs 
) -> bool
template<typename T >
auto Catch::compareNotEqual ( long  lhs,
T *const &  rhs 
) -> bool
bool Catch::contains ( std::string const &  s,
std::string const &  infix 
std::ostream& Catch::cout ( )
bool Catch::endsWith ( std::string const &  s,
std::string const &  suffix 
bool Catch::endsWith ( std::string const &  s,
char  suffix 
std::vector<TestCase> Catch::filterTests ( std::vector< TestCase > const &  testCases,
TestSpec const &  testSpec,
IConfig const &  config 
void Catch::formatReconstructedExpression ( std::ostream &  os,
std::string const &  lhs,
StringRef  op,
std::string const &  rhs 
std::vector<TestCase> const& Catch::getAllTestCasesSorted ( IConfig const &  config)
IContext& Catch::getCurrentContext ( )
IMutableContext& Catch::getCurrentMutableContext ( )
auto Catch::getCurrentNanosecondsSinceEpoch ( ) -> uint64_t
auto Catch::getEstimatedClockResolution ( ) -> uint64_t
IRegistryHub const& Catch::getRegistryHub ( )
IResultCapture& Catch::getResultCapture ( )
void Catch::handleExceptionMatchExpr ( AssertionHandler &  handler,
std::string const &  str,
StringRef const &  matcherString 
void Catch::handleExceptionMatchExpr ( AssertionHandler &  handler,
StringMatcher const &  matcher,
StringRef const &  matcherString 
void Catch::handleExpression ( ITransientExpression const &  expr)

Referenced by handleExpression().

template<typename T >
void Catch::handleExpression ( ExprLhs< T > const &  expr)
bool Catch::isFalseTest ( int  flags)
bool Catch::isJustInfo ( int  flags)
bool Catch::isOk ( ResultWas::OfType  resultType)
template<typename ArgT , typename MatcherT >
auto Catch::makeMatchExpr ( ArgT const &  arg,
MatcherT const &  matcher,
StringRef const &  matcherString 
) -> MatchExpr<ArgT, MatcherT>
auto Catch::makeStream ( StringRef const &  filename) -> IStream const *
TestCase Catch::makeTestCase ( ITestInvoker *  testCase,
std::string const &  className,
NameAndTags const &  nameAndTags,
SourceLineInfo const &  lineInfo 
auto Catch::makeTestInvoker ( void(*)()  testAsFunction) -> ITestInvoker *
template<typename C >
auto Catch::makeTestInvoker ( void(C::*)()  testAsMethod) -> ITestInvoker*
bool Catch::matchTest ( TestCase const &  testCase,
TestSpec const &  testSpec,
IConfig const &  config 
auto Catch::operator""_sr ( char const *  rawChars,
std::size_t  size 
) -> StringRef
template<typename T >
T const& Catch::operator+ ( T const &  value,
auto Catch::operator+ ( StringRef const &  lhs,
StringRef const &  rhs 
) -> std::string
auto Catch::operator+ ( StringRef const &  lhs,
char const *  rhs 
) -> std::string
auto Catch::operator+ ( char const *  lhs,
StringRef const &  rhs 
) -> std::string
auto Catch::operator+= ( std::string &  lhs,
StringRef const &  sr 
) -> std::string &
std::ostream& Catch::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
SourceLineInfo const &  info 
auto Catch::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
StringRef const &  sr 
) -> std::ostream &
ResultDisposition::Flags Catch::operator| ( ResultDisposition::Flags  lhs,
ResultDisposition::Flags  rhs 
template<typename Allocator >
std::string Catch::rangeToString ( std::vector< bool, Allocator > const &  v)
bool Catch::replaceInPlace ( std::string &  str,
std::string const &  replaceThis,
std::string const &  withThis 
unsigned int Catch::rngSeed ( )
bool Catch::shouldContinueOnFailure ( int  flags)
bool Catch::shouldSuppressFailure ( int  flags)
bool Catch::startsWith ( std::string const &  s,
std::string const &  prefix 
bool Catch::startsWith ( std::string const &  s,
char  prefix 
std::string Catch::toLower ( std::string const &  s)
void Catch::toLowerInPlace ( std::string &  s)
std::string Catch::translateActiveException ( )
std::string Catch::trim ( std::string const &  str)

Variable Documentation

not_this_one Catch::begin(...)

Referenced by rangeToString().