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gap8/pmsis/include/cores/TARGET_RISCV_32/pmsis_gcc.h File Reference


#define __RISCV_ARCH_GAP__
#define __has_builtin(x)
#define __ASM
#define __INLINE
#define __NO_RETURN
#define __USED
#define __WEAK
#define __PACKED
#define __PACKED_UNION
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT32(x)
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT16_WRITE(addr, val)
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT16_READ(addr)
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT32_WRITE(addr, val)
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT32_READ(addr)
#define __ALIGNED(x)
#define __RESTRICT
#define __get_BASEPRI()
#define __get_PRIMASK()
#define __CMSIS_GCC_OUT_REG(r)
#define __CMSIS_GCC_RW_REG(r)
#define __CMSIS_GCC_USE_REG(r)
#define __NOP()
 No Operation. More...
#define __WFI()
 Wait For Interrupt. More...
#define __WFE()
 Wait For Event. More...
#define __SEV()
 Send Event. More...
#define __CLZ
 Count leading zeros. More...


typedef signed short v2s __attribute__ ((vector_size(4)))
 Restore the MIE bit. More...


struct __attribute__ ((packed)) T_UINT32
 __attribute__ ((always_inline)) __STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_CPRIV(void)
 Get PRIVLVL Register. More...


#define __VEC_PACK2(x, y)
 Packing of scalars into vectors. More...
#define __VEC_PACKU2(x, y)
#define __VEC_PACK4(x, y, z, t)
#define __VEC_PACKU4(x, y, z, t)
#define __MAX(x, y)
 Max. More...
#define __MAX2(x, y)
#define __MAX4(x, y)
#define __MAXU2(x, y)
#define __MAXU4(x, y)
#define __MIN2(x, y)
 Min. More...
#define __MIN4(x, y)
#define __MINU2(x, y)
#define __MINU4(x, y)
#define __CLIP(x, precision)
 Clip. More...
#define __CLIPU(x, precision)
#define __ABS2(x)
 Abs. More...
#define __ABS4(x)
#define __NEG2(x)
#define __NEG4(x)
#define __ADD2(x, y)
#define __ADD4(x, y)
#define __SUB2(x, y)
#define __SUB4(x, y)
#define __AVG2(x, y)
#define __AVG4(x, y)
#define __AVGU2(x, y)
#define __AVGU4(x, y)
#define __AND2(x, y)
#define __AND4(x, y)
#define __OR2(x, y)
#define __OR4(x, y)
#define __EXOR2(x, y)
#define __EXOR4(x, y)
#define __SRL2(x, y)
#define __SRL4(x, y)
#define __SRA2(x, y)
#define __SRA4(x, y)
#define __SLL2(x, y)
#define __SLL4(x, y)
#define __MAC(acc, x, y)
 Mac. More...
#define __MSU(acc, x, y)
#define __MACS(acc, x, y)
#define __MACHHS(acc, x, y)
#define __MACU(acc, x, y)
#define __MACHHU(acc, x, y)
#define __MACSN(acc, x, y, n)
#define __MACUN(acc, x, y, n)
#define __MACSRN(acc, x, y, n)
#define __MACURN(acc, x, y, n)
#define __MACHHSN(acc, x, y, n)
#define __MACHHUN(acc, x, y, n)
#define __MACHHSRN(acc, x, y, n)
#define __MACHHURN(acc, x, y, n)
#define __MULS(x, y)
 Multiplications. More...
#define __MULU(x, y)
#define __MULHHS(x, y)
#define __MULHHU(x, y)
#define __MULSN(x, y, n)
#define __MULSRN(x, y, n)
#define __MULUN(x, y, n)
#define __MULURN(x, y, n)
#define __MULHHSN(x, y, n)
#define __MULHHSRN(x, y, n)
#define __MULHHUN(x, y, n)
#define __MULHHURN(x, y, n)
#define __DOTP2(x, y)
 Vectorial product and sum of products. More...
#define __DOTPU2(x, y)
#define __DOTPUS2(x, y)
#define __SUM_DOTP2(x, y, z)
#define __SUM_DOTPU2(x, y, z)
#define __SUM_DOTPUS2(x, y, z)
#define __DOTP4(x, y)
#define __DOTPU4(x, y)
#define __DOTPUS4(x, y)
#define __SUM_DOTP4(x, y, z)
#define __SUM_DOTPU4(x, y, z)
#define __SUM_DOTPUS4(x, y, z)
#define __CPLX_MULS(x, y)
 Complex Multiplication, Q15x15 into Q15, with optional post scaling by 1 or 2. More...
#define __CPLX_MULS_DIV2(x, y)
#define __CPLX_MULS_DIV4(x, y)
#define __CPLX_CONJ(x)
 Complex conjugate. More...
#define __CPLX_MJ(x)
 Complex rotation by -pi/2. More...
#define __SUB2_ROTMJ(x, y)
 Complex substration, result rotated by -pi/2. More...
#define __ADD2_DIV2(x, y)
 Complex addition with post scaling by 1 or 2. More...
#define __ADD2_DIV4(x, y)
#define __SUB2_DIV2(x, y)
 Complex subtraction with post scaling by 1 or 2. More...
#define __SUB2_DIV4(x, y)
#define __VIT_MAX(x, y)
 Viterbi Max and Viterbi Select, pair of Q15. More...
#define __VIT_SEL(x, y)
#define __FL1(x)
 Position of the most significant bit of x. More...
#define __CLB(x)
 Number of sign bits. More...
#define __BIT_EXTRACT(src, size, off)
 Bit Extraction. More...
#define __BIT_EXTRACTU(src, size, off)
#define __BIT_EXTRACT_R(src, size, off)
#define __BIT_EXTRACTU_R(src, size, off)
#define __BIT_EXTRACT_R_SAFE(src, size, off)
#define __BIT_EXTRACTU_R_SAFE(src, size, off)
#define __BIT_INSERT(dst, src, size, off)
 Bit insertion. More...
#define __BIT_INSERT_R(dst, src, size, off)
#define __BIT_INSERT_R_SAFE(dst, src, size, off)
#define __ROTR(x)
 1 bit rotation to the right, 32 bits input More...
#define __ADD_ROUND_NORM(x, y, scale)
 Add with normalization and rounding. More...
#define __ADD_ROUND_NORM_REG(x, y, scale)
#define __ADD_ROUND_NORMU(x, y, scale)
#define __ADD_ROUND_NORMU_REG(x, y, scale)
#define __ROUND_NORM(x, scale)
 Normalization and rounding. More...
#define __ROUND_NORM_REG(x, scale)
#define __ROUND_NORMU(x, scale)
#define __ROUND_NORMU_REG(x, scale)
uint32_t offset

Macro Definition Documentation

#define __ALIGNED (   x)
#define __ASM

Referenced by __attribute__().

#define __has_builtin (   x)
#define __INLINE
#define __NO_RETURN
#define __PACKED
#define __PACKED_UNION
#define __RESTRICT
#define __RISCV_ARCH_GAP__
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT16_READ (   addr)
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT16_WRITE (   addr,
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT32 (   x)
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT32_READ (   addr)
#define __UNALIGNED_UINT32_WRITE (   addr,
#define __USED
#define __WEAK

Function Documentation

struct __attribute__ ( (packed)  )

SOC_CTRL_Type Register Layout Typedef

Variable Documentation