Ring Buffer Binding

The ring buffer binding implements a ring buffer as a binding component, designed to control flow between two domains, for example a hardware interface and a synchronous processing pipeline.

Samples are pushed to the input of the buffer, when the number samples needed by the output is available, it will copy the amount to an output buffer and push that to the downstream component. In the FC implementation, the push happens in an event, allowing the buffer to continously receive data while the downstream nodes are being processed.


Input and output token size (AKA blocksize/framesize) is defined by the input and output buffer bound to the buffer.

The internal memory is (by default) limited to MAX_RING_BUFFER_SIZE and MAX_RING_BUFFER_CHANNELS set in ring_int.h / gap9_fc_ring_int.h. However, this can be modified via the static parameters struct on construct:

typedef struct ring_static_parameters
    int32_t max_nb_channels;
    int32_t max_nb_samples_per_channel;
} ring_static_parameters;


The binding implements a number of status flags to query for useful information


Default gwt_audio_errors message


True if buffer is full


True if buffer is empty


Counter that increments in case of overflow (data pushed to buffer, which cannot fit). This indicates data loss.


Currently not implemented - Ring should not be able to push if data is not present


Input channels

The ring buffer supports multiple input channels, allowing you to input stereo or multichannel audio streams. TODO: Data is currently expected to be float. Should be able to support int32_t also.

Output channel

The ring buffer supports multiple output channels. TODO: Data is currently expected to be float. Should be able to support int32_t also.


Implementations are available on FC and as a C model.


nonreg.py implements a tests for both model and FC implementation.