WriteFS Streaming Example

Example Description:

This example demonstrates how to perform streaming writes to multiple files on a flash filesystem. It creates two files, writes data to them in chunks, and then verifies the written data. Performance measurements are optionally included using the CONFIG_ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_TRACE flag.

Key Features:

  • Creates two files with specified names.

  • Writes data to files in chunks of ITER_SIZE bytes.

  • Verifies written data by reading the files back and comparing the contents.

  • Optionally measures performance using cycle counters.

  • Supports forced initialization of the filesystem.

Build and Run:


  • GAP SDK environment

  • Ninja build system (optional), otherwise will fallback to GMake


CMAKE_GENERATOR=Ninja cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build


# Without traces
cmake --build build --target run

# With performance traces
CONFIG_ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_TRACE=1 cmake --build build --target run

Expected Output:

Starting test (type: writefs)
Number of cycles for file creation: ...
Number of cycles for 1024 bytes buffer write: ...
Number of cycles for file creation: ...
Number of cycles for 1024 bytes buffer write: ...
Example done, goodbye

Additional Notes:

  • The ITER_SIZE and BUFF_SIZE defines can be adjusted to modify the write behavior.

  • The CONFIG_ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_TRACE flag can be used to enable performance measurements.

  • The example assumes a pre-erased flash partition or enables automatic formatting.


rm -rf build