Hello World


No specific requirement. This example should run without issue on all chips/boards/OSes.


This example is a classic Hello World. It prints an hello world string on all available cores.

How to run

cmake -B build
cmake --build build --target menuconfig # Select your board in the menu
cmake --build build --target run

Or use the gap command:

gap init
gap menuconfig
gap run


You should have an output looking like this (order may vary):

     *** PMSIS HelloWorld ***

Entering main controller
[32 0] Hello World!
Cluster master core entry
[0 2] Hello World!
[0 0] Hello World!
[0 1] Hello World!
[0 3] Hello World!
[0 4] Hello World!
[0 5] Hello World!
[0 6] Hello World!
[0 7] Hello World!
Cluster master core exit
Bye !


/* PMSIS includes */
#include <pmsis.h>

/* Task executed by cluster cores. */
void cluster_helloworld(void *arg)
    uint32_t core_id = pi_core_id(), cluster_id = pi_cluster_id();
    printf("[%d %d] Hello World!\n", cluster_id, core_id);

/* Cluster main entry, executed by core 0. */
void cluster_delegate(void *arg)
    printf("Cluster master core entry\n");
    /* Task dispatch to cluster cores. */
    pi_cl_team_fork(pi_cl_cluster_nb_cores(), cluster_helloworld, arg);
    printf("Cluster master core exit\n");

/* Program Entry. */
int main(void)
    printf("\n\n\t *** PMSIS HelloWorld ***\n\n");
    printf("Entering main controller\n");

    uint32_t errors = 0;
    uint32_t core_id = pi_core_id(), cluster_id = pi_cluster_id();
    printf("[%d %d] Hello World!\n", cluster_id, core_id);

    pi_device_t* cluster_dev;
    if(pi_open(PI_CORE_CLUSTER, &cluster_dev))
        printf("Cluster open failed !\n");

    /* Prepare cluster task and send it to cluster. */
    struct pi_cluster_task cl_task;

    pi_cluster_send_task_to_cl(cluster_dev, pi_cluster_task(&cl_task, cluster_delegate, NULL));


    printf("Bye !\n");

    return errors;