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enum  pi_display_ioctl_cmd_e


int pi_display_open (struct pi_device *device)
 Open a display device. More...
void pi_display_write (struct pi_device *device, pi_buffer_t *buffer, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h)
 Write on a display device. Blocking API. More...
static int32_t pi_display_ioctl (struct pi_device *device, uint32_t cmd, void *arg)
 Send display specific command. More...
static void pi_display_write_async (struct pi_device *device, pi_buffer_t *buffer, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, pi_task_t *task)
 Write on a display device. Non blocking API. More...


The display driver provides supprt to write and print on LCD screens.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Function Documentation

static int32_t pi_display_ioctl ( struct pi_device *  device,
uint32_t  cmd,
void *  arg 

This function is called to send a display device specific command. Arguments for commands can be given using

deviceA pointer to the device structure of the device to open.
cmdCommand to send.
argParameters/arguments to send to device for the command.
Value Depend on type of commands.
int pi_display_open ( struct pi_device *  device)

This function must be called before the display device can be used. It does all the needed configuration to enable displaye device.

deviceA pointer to the device structure of the device to open.
Return values
0Device opened successfully. error code otherwise.
void pi_display_write ( struct pi_device *  device,
pi_buffer_t *  buffer,
uint16_t  x,
uint16_t  y,
uint16_t  w,
uint16_t  h 

This function is called to print/write a buffer on a display device. It displays a whole frame of (width * height) size on display at position (x, y).

deviceA pointer to the device structure of the device to open.
bufferData buffer to write on diplay.
xX position on LCD.
yY position on LCD.
wWidth of buffer.
hHeight of buffer.
This function is synchronous, caller can not do anything else until transfer is finished. The pending asynchronous function is below : pi_display_write_async().
static void pi_display_write_async ( struct pi_device *  device,
pi_buffer_t *  buffer,
uint16_t  x,
uint16_t  y,
uint16_t  w,
uint16_t  h,
pi_task_t *  task 

This function is called to print/write a buffer on a display device. It displays a whole frame of (width * height) size on display at position (x, y).

deviceA pointer to the device structure of the device to open.
bufferData buffer to write on diplay.
xX position on LCD.
yY position on LCD.
wWidth of buffer.
hHeight of buffer.
taskTask to use to check end of transfer.
This function is asynchronous, caller can do something else while transfer is enqueued The pending synchronous function is below : pi_display_write().