converters local package


converters is a local package built to be imported by a component’s Parameter Converter script. While the generic cases are handled in the parent class, each component implementation should have a ParameterConverter class to convert the node’s parameters to its implementation appropriate format. This script is listed in the implementation’s .comp, in generators/libraries. ___



This is the base class from which all parameter converters have to inherit. The following generic class methods are generic and do not need to be instantiated for each component:

  • all_params_present Checks that all parameters from the reference implementation are in the current node.

  • all_params_consistent Checks that parameters are consistent with the parameter definition (value range, arithmetic type, dimensions if relevant…)

The get_implementation_parameters is a component-specific method. While the Converter parent class in


This is the file that sets up the imports and packages. Using CMCore, it looks at the files linked in the component’s generator libraries, and tries to . If that file contains a class called after the component,


1. Importing the package

For the parameter converter to be able to import the base Converter class, we have to add the common python libraries path to the system’s path first:

import sys
import os
# Set the GAP_SDK_HOME directory
# This assumes that the GAP SDK environment has been sourced. When possible,
# use a path relative to your source file to avoid having to source the
# GAP SDK environment.
gap_sdk_home = pathlib.Path(os.env.get("GAP_SDK_HOME"))
# Set the converters parent directory
converters_dir = gap_sdk_home / "tools/audio-framework/utils"
from converters import Converter

2. Using the package

Instantiate a Converter class by passing it a CMCore node, to which a valid implementation template has been set:

# Instantiate a CMCore node
my_node = cmcore.Node("my_node")
# Set implementation template

# Call FIR converter
my_node_converter = converters.fir(my_node)

Linking the component to its parameter converter library

Each component has to link to its own parameter converter in its component description file. The Audio Mapping Tool will then look through all the files listed in generator['libraries'] for a class that inherit from the base Converter class.

    name: fir
    description_image: fir.png
            -   <path/to/parameter/>

Creating a parameter_converter for a component

To create a parameter_converter file for a component, one has to: 1. Create it at the location of the model. 2. Import the converters package 3. Create a class bearing the component’s name and inheriting from converters.Converter 4. Create a method called get_implementation_parameters within that child class, which returns the parameters converted for the appropriate implementation.

Here is a snippet of such a class, for which the content of the get_implementation_parameters method has to be modified.

class my_new_component(base.Converter):
    def get_implementation_parameter(self):
        if not self.all_params_present():
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Not all input parameters are present. Will not be able to convert "
                f"parameters for node {}, "
                f"implementation {implementation_name}."
        if not self.all_params_consistent():
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Inconsistent input parameters. The correct conversion of the "
                f"parameters for node {self.node} "
                f"implementation {implementation_name} cannot be guaranteed."

        match implementation_name:
            case "gap9_sfu_my_new_component":
                # do something
            case "gap9_cluster_my_new_component":
                # do something different
            case "gap9_fc_my_new_component":
                # do something else
            case _:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"Unknown implementation: `{implementation_name}` "
                    f"for node {}."
        return parameters