MNist using NNTool’s Python APIs (Tensorflow)


  • NNTool

  • Autotiler

Python Requirements

  • nntool (see gap_sdk requirements.txt)

  • tqdm

Optional (only needed for NN retraining):

  • tensorflow >= 2.7.0

  • tf2onnx


In this example is described an end-to-end deployment of different type of NN (Convolutional, GRU and LSTM based) for handwritten digits visual recognition (MNIST) using GAPflow, GWT set of tools for NN deployment onto GAP chips. is the script to train the various NN topologies using tensorflow + keras and export the trained graph to TFLite. In you have the sets of command used to train all the NNs. Note that for GRU layers Tflite does not support a fused operator (for the time this project was made still produces a subgraph structure which is not supported in GAPflow), for this reason we added a tf2onnx conversion to export the same graph to ONNX instead of TFLite. For the convolutional NN type it is also shown an example of full-integer quantization in TFLite. All the pretrained models are already provided in the models folder. uses NNTool to load the NN and prepare it for GAP inference, i.e. optimizes the graph topology and quantizes the NN (if not already done in TFLite) using a calibration dataset (subset of the training dataset). The NN is used then for 3 different usage modes:

  • accuracy:

    to test the accuracy of the deployable solution in a python environment on the MNIST test dataset. NNTool uses numpy backend to run inference bit-accurate wrt the real chip (check test_nntool function)

  • performance:

    to fastly deploy a solution and check the results and performance directly from a python script. NNTool generates a template project to run an NN on GVSOC and prints out the NN layers outputs, these are then parsed in python and compared to the ground truth execution. You can see the QSNRs between Target and NNTool execution as infinite which means there is no difference between NNTool and Target results. NNTool can also parse the Autotiler memory usage information layer by layer and plots them to inspect possible bottlenecks or memory underusage during the NN inference.

  • generate_at_model:

    it just prepare the model and generates an Autotiler Model description that can be used to generate GAP code. This modality is used by the project to dinamically generate the Autotiler Model to deploy.


export MODE=accuracy
python --mode=${MODE} --trained_model models/mnist_quant.tflite --quantize_in_tflite

To see available options:

python --help

The whole project works with a CMake build system and all the options are available through Kconfig. To run the example with default options:

mkdir build
cmake ../
make run -j

To change the options via menuconfig you can use:

mkdir build
cmake ../
make menuconfig

navigate the GUI interface and once saved:

make run -j

Alternatively you can pass directly some options to the cmake command:

mkdir build
make run -j

Also different quantization options are available, see NN MNIST test menu -> Quantization Type menu in manueconfig to explore them.

Reentrant mode

The NNs support both standard and reentrant mode. It can be activated via menuconfig under GAP_SDK -> tools -> Autotiler menu in manueconfig or with the -DCONFIG_MODEL_REENTRANT_MODE=y flag. In this mode the main file is slightly different mnist_reentrant.c, similar to the one in the examples/gap9/nn/autotiler/MnistGraphReentrant


 * Copyright (C) 2017 GreenWaves Technologies
 * All rights reserved.
 * This software may be modified and distributed under the terms
 * of the BSD license.  See the LICENSE file for details.
#define __XSTR(__s) __STR(__s)
#define __STR(__s) #__s

/* Autotiler includes. */
#include "mnist.h"
#include "mnistKernels.h"
#include "gaplib/ImgIO.h"
// #include <pmsis/platforms/gvsoc.h>

#ifdef __EMUL__
#define pmsis_exit(n) exit(n)

#ifndef STACK_SIZE
#define STACK_SIZE      1024


#ifdef SQ8
typedef signed char IN_D_TYPE;
typedef short int OUT_D_TYPE;
#ifdef NE16
typedef unsigned char IN_D_TYPE;
typedef short int OUT_D_TYPE;
#ifdef FP16
typedef F16 IN_D_TYPE;
typedef F16 OUT_D_TYPE;

/* Inputs */
L2_MEM IN_D_TYPE Input_1[28*28*1];
/* Outputs */
L2_MEM OUT_D_TYPE Output_1[10];
int rec_digit;

static void RunMnist()
    // gv_vcd_configure(1, 0);
    #ifdef PERF
    printf("Start timer\n");

    #ifdef RNN
    mnistCNN(Input_1, 1, Output_1);
    mnistCNN(Input_1, Output_1);
    //Checki Results
    rec_digit = 0;
    OUT_D_TYPE highest = Output_1[0];
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        #ifdef FP16
        printf("class %d: %f \n", i, Output_1[i]);
        printf("class %d: %d \n", i, Output_1[i]);
        if(Output_1[i] > highest) {
            highest = Output_1[i];
            rec_digit = i;

    printf("Recognized: %d\n", rec_digit);

int test_mnist(void)
    printf("Entering main controller\n");

    /* Configure And open cluster. */
    struct pi_device cluster_dev;
    struct pi_cluster_conf cl_conf;
    cl_conf.cc_stack_size = STACK_SIZE; = 0; /* Set cluster ID. */
                    // Enable the special icache for the master core
    cl_conf.icache_conf = PI_CLUSTER_MASTER_CORE_ICACHE_ENABLE |
                    // Enable the prefetch for all the cores, it's a 9bits mask (from bit 2 to bit 10), each bit correspond to 1 core
                    // Enable the icache for all the cores

    pi_open_from_conf(&cluster_dev, (void *) &cl_conf);
    if (pi_cluster_open(&cluster_dev))
        printf("Cluster open failed !\n");

    /* Frequency Settings: defined in the Makefile */
    int cur_fc_freq = pi_freq_set(PI_FREQ_DOMAIN_FC, FREQ_FC*1000*1000);
    int cur_cl_freq = pi_freq_set(PI_FREQ_DOMAIN_CL, FREQ_CL*1000*1000);
    int cur_pe_freq = pi_freq_set(PI_FREQ_DOMAIN_PERIPH, FREQ_PE*1000*1000);
    if (cur_fc_freq == -1 || cur_cl_freq == -1 || cur_pe_freq == -1)
        printf("Error changing frequency !\nTest failed...\n");
	printf("FC Frequency as %d Hz, CL Frequency = %d Hz, PERIIPH Frequency = %d Hz\n", 
            pi_freq_get(PI_FREQ_DOMAIN_FC), pi_freq_get(PI_FREQ_DOMAIN_CL), pi_freq_get(PI_FREQ_DOMAIN_PERIPH));

    int ConstructorErr = mnistCNN_Construct();
    if (ConstructorErr)
        printf("Graph constructor exited with error: %d\n(check the generated file mnistKernels.c to see which memory have failed to be allocated)\n", ConstructorErr);

    char *ImageName = __XSTR(AT_IMAGE);
    unsigned char *ImgIn = (unsigned char *) pi_l2_malloc(28*28*1);
    if (ReadImageFromFile(ImageName, 28,28,1, ImgIn, 28*28, IMGIO_OUTPUT_CHAR, 0))
        printf("Failed to load image %s\n", ImageName);
    for (int i=0; i<28*28; i++) {
        #ifdef SQ8
        Input_1[i] = ImgIn[i] - 128;
        #ifdef NE16
        Input_1[i] = ImgIn[i];
        #ifdef FP16
        Input_1[i] = (IN_D_TYPE) (( ((float) ImgIn[i]) / 128 ) - 1.0);

    printf("Call cluster\n");
    struct pi_cluster_task task;
    pi_cluster_task(&task, (void (*)(void *))RunMnist, NULL);
    pi_cluster_task_stacks(&task, NULL, SLAVE_STACK_SIZE);

    pi_cluster_send_task_to_cl(&cluster_dev, &task);


#ifdef PERF
      unsigned int TotalCycles = 0, TotalOper = 0;
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<(sizeof(AT_GraphPerf)/sizeof(unsigned int)); i++) {
        TotalCycles += AT_GraphPerf[i]; TotalOper += AT_GraphOperInfosNames[i];
      for (unsigned int i=0; i<(sizeof(AT_GraphPerf)/sizeof(unsigned int)); i++) {
        printf("%45s: Cycles: %12u, Cyc%%: %5.1f%%, Operations: %12u, Op%%: %5.1f%%, Operations/Cycle: %f\n", AT_GraphNodeNames[i], AT_GraphPerf[i], 100*((float) (AT_GraphPerf[i]) / TotalCycles), AT_GraphOperInfosNames[i], 100*((float) (AT_GraphOperInfosNames[i]) / TotalOper), ((float) AT_GraphOperInfosNames[i])/ AT_GraphPerf[i]);
      printf("%45s: Cycles: %12u, Cyc%%: 100.0%%, Operations: %12u, Op%%: 100.0%%, Operations/Cycle: %f\n", "Total", TotalCycles, TotalOper, ((float) TotalOper)/ TotalCycles);

    #ifdef CI
    if (rec_digit != 5){
        printf("Wrong result: expected %d got %d\n", 5, rec_digit);
    printf("Correct Results\n");

    return 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    printf("\n\n\t *** NNTOOL mnist Example ***\n\n");
    return 0;